How very beautiful these lines, yes, you can sense when spring is trying to break through and the air and light becomes her awakening.
Your flowing alliteration is so nicely done too...
When spring is over, sets a misty fog in the field, and well feelings start pondering what is this life for in my mind. Then winter air comes in and brrr becomes the sound. I enjoyed this write, so light and breezy. Nicely written.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you for stopping here and for your kindness and joy shared!
A wonderful poem for Spring my friend. We may get snow next week. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Ah, did the snow come your way again?! I so hope spring will be waking in your world soon. Thank you.. read moreAh, did the snow come your way again?! I so hope spring will be waking in your world soon. Thank you for your presence!
In our country there's this folklore about the diwatas, being of the forest, they're mysterious and mystical creatures we can't see.. But they roam the forest and take care of it by thier magics.. Like those magical beings, I see them in this.. Magical as always my friend...
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
So wondrous learning of these diwatas... these wondrous mysteries of life... of their magic... thank.. read moreSo wondrous learning of these diwatas... these wondrous mysteries of life... of their magic... thank you for sharing them with us!
Spring is in the air and in the hearts of every poet scribbling on a page, evidently. I enjoyed reading your seasonal offering Craig. Just lovely expressions and sentiments personified in this verse. It was wonderful to visit your shrine. Bless, F.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Always grateful when you stop by! Thank you so much. Hope spring is covering your world is joy.
Yes, spring is all those things. Of course, these days it is becoming more difficult to tell one season from another.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you so much for your presence... and your kindness. Ah, may spring awaken everything in beauty.. read moreThank you so much for your presence... and your kindness. Ah, may spring awaken everything in beauty soon...
2024 is here... May we make it so much more heaven than hell... Wishing all peace on earth... Together, maybe we go the distance...
The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet t.. more..