I realize with wars across the world, families in decay, and individuals in horrid isolation, that peace on earth can seem like a distant dream. So perhaps we need it now more than ever.
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OMG Craig how can I even describe what a masterpiece of poetry, mourning, compassion, emotion and hope you have written here? I have no words-I have tears reflecting your sadness and then your hope for peace. Your verses deftly and seamlessly transition, with dramatic pauses demanding thought, from apocalyptic visions to the flicker of light emerging. I am honored to read this and I am humbled to receive the gift that it is. Thank you so very much my friend. Peace wished to you also...
I think in times like this peace must start in our own heart ❤ then in kindness and compassion share it with those we meet. For some the act alone will ignite action. In others we may have to give them a second dose and possibly a booster :)
Your poem is beautiful and inspiring. May peace spread 🙏 to all we know. And to those we have not yet met.
Posted 3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Oh Cherrie... thank you so much... ❤ Yes.. peace seems to be a very slow growth kind of garden pla.. read moreOh Cherrie... thank you so much... ❤ Yes.. peace seems to be a very slow growth kind of garden plant... needing lots of love.. lots of water... lots of sun... all the care we can give. Merry Christmas dear friend... and a very happy New Year of peace.
I have the same prayer my friend. I don't want my grandchildren to fight the old wars. The coronavirus world should of made us kinder. I believe. We are the same. Hello from Michigan and thank you for sharing your amazing poetry and your thoughts.
Peace is a beautiful state of mind we all try to achieve, but those who crave power destroy all the roads to that wonderful feeling.
Heavy handed and cruel is often used to gain a feeling of being superior , we but know that is only a fool's paradise.
Your poem perfectly exemplifies how it feels to try to write about upbeat topics, but readers are so jaded & lacking in hope, they obviously can't fathom taking those first few shaky steps toward a new world view. Even if we find the world hopeless, we must summon a few shreds of hope to begin to establish a new world view. Your portrayal of all the horrors & hopelessness we're up against is pretty dim, in this poem! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Your words are filled with compassion for all the suffering and turmoil in this world. Indeed, wisdom is in letting peace fill our hearts first before it makes its way out and into the world. With such internal peace comes healing. If everyone thought of this, the earth would be so blessed. A beautiful share from you, Craig.
OMG Craig how can I even describe what a masterpiece of poetry, mourning, compassion, emotion and hope you have written here? I have no words-I have tears reflecting your sadness and then your hope for peace. Your verses deftly and seamlessly transition, with dramatic pauses demanding thought, from apocalyptic visions to the flicker of light emerging. I am honored to read this and I am humbled to receive the gift that it is. Thank you so very much my friend. Peace wished to you also...
2024 is here... May we make it so much more heaven than hell... Wishing all peace on earth... Together, maybe we go the distance...
The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet t.. more..