The Demon of Control

The Demon of Control

A Poem by Carole

Many of us have been controllers or suffered needlessly at one's hands. It's no fun. In fact, it will snuff the life right out of you, either way.



 Allow them to control you


 Give them everything they seek


 Appease them, patronize them,


 Continue being weak




 Do whatever they tell you


 Don’t you dare disagree


 For if you do, you know the outcome


 You’ll pay on bended knee




 Angry words will slice the air


 You’ll wish you’d gone along


 For choosing to confront


 They’ll make you feel you’re wrong




They’ll quickly wield a sword


 Of condemnation, guilt and shame


 Then they’ll turn on you abruptly


 And weave a web of blame



Filled with deep insecurities


And massive levels of fear


They must control their worlds


Holding tightly to what is dear




They’ll make demands on everyone


 On their beaten path


 Handing you a list of expectations


 Now, you get to do the math




 You’ll be expected to do it all


 Just as they command it


 And if you don’t, you can be sure


 They’ll throw a bloody fit




When you choose to take a stand


 For what you feel is right


 You just might get the silent treatment


 'Til you tell them they were right




 For there is but one they seek to please


 Only one they must satisfy


 Their selfish undertaking


 Is for Me, Myself, and I



© 2009 Carole

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"Do whatever they tell you
Don't you dare disagree
For if you do, you know the outcome
You'll pay on bended knee"

Yes very true, people do like to take advantage of you if you don't stand up for yourself. I don't know why others are so cruel but they are. I hope in the future others can be kinder. I am always afarid to stand up for what I believe in.
Awesome poem!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


A clear statement of the truth expressed in fine poetic form. It is extremely hard to say no to what seems a reasoable request But you must learn to refuse. Once you capitulate you tend to go on going along to keep the peace

Posted 16 Years Ago

We tend to call them "control freaks" down in these parts. lol. Oh yes, I do know some who love the control--people at work, people near home, some at the mall and, well -----all over the place!!
"Filled with deep insecurities
And massive levels of fear
They must control their worlds
Holding tightly to what they feel dear"
I have read they do this also because they are unable to trust. What a great poem, Carole...the font and the picture are perfect. A poem written with excellence!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

Carole this fits so many people it is a shame too!
you wrote this so well and so many should think.. and think of others before themselves .. atleast once in awhile.


Posted 16 Years Ago

This is a great piece, full of lots of reality > Cindy

Posted 16 Years Ago

I know this person. lol Rather, I know the type. I enjoyed this as I sat here nodding in agreement. Good write!

Posted 16 Years Ago

A real eye opening write Carole. There is so much about a controlling persons choice of method too- some use guilt and as you mention, some use the silent treatment and we always have the fit throwers too.

I sometimes think I've seen them all, that I know them all and none of them are healthy for us.
Excellent writing my dear!

So sorry it has taken me this long to get over here. :+(

Posted 16 Years Ago

Oh Carole, I love the picture. It adds so much. I have just read this to Jack and he is a controller and a take charge person, so as I read he was nodding with

Posted 16 Years Ago

I can so relate to what you say here~ within my own family
if you try to say or give advice to some you do indeed get
the silent treament, so you sometimes stay the enabler
and give into their drama demostrations~the picture
with this well penned poem is so right on as you are trapped
either way~Great Write!~Fran Marie

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is so true, Carole. You know that I have this in my life and right now, I'm struggling so much with not trying to control others as I've been controlled. It's hard to break this cycle and to get out of the fear. I'm trying really hard to fix it, though. Thanks for sharing this with me, I found strength in your honesty.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is very true, and I've been there.

Great Write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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45 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on February 26, 2008
Last Updated on January 1, 2009



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