I'm drawing my eyes on the walls around you.
I hope you don't mind being-
unknowingly spied,
wrongly enshrined.
I paint enchanting vines on the tiles before you.
Dazzling white; your dress flutters-
entangling the sultry air;
exhibiting your care.
You trickle down the steps, flooding the streets where we met.
My everything bows to your eyes-
for you are the feat.
A mesmerizing greet.
You light your fire with green trees, an incessant breeze.
I paint rain for you to see-
with your back against me.
Still, your fire survives.
I draw promiscuous roses on your loyal face.
Yet you have no improper grace.
I tell you myths of old;
In your ears; I see they are cold.
With such a mischievous glare as you so often stare.
I as one conform to your rare dare...
With such a sudden shiver to my spine,
I'm so strongly enshrined.