on it
never in it
*not never, not yet
has having had me in it's grip
having lost the ability to lose
or just walk away
or find a way to be away
when sober us
sober up
to the fact
that sobriety
can still make us laugh
though now I want to cry
from thorofare to the mills
until I'm far away from
wherever you're not
and my head swoons
as my heart slows down
and speeds up
to keep time with yours
because you're not
the last piece to my puzzle
you're the other half
so as we connect
the corresponding pieces
locking in securely
until you can't seem to see
which seams seperated us
in the first place
because seperation
is sweet bamboo
under my fingernails
toture I can't take
I can't get used to
as every second
is more painful than the last.