Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

A Chapter by LittleEye:)

I woke up the next morning feeling as groggy as ever. Rolled over, right out of my bed, and peeked up at my clock. 6: 48 AM. Great. I tried to sit up, but couldn't. My body ached, and I felt horrible. Everything that had been happening to me latly has been like my worst nightmare coming true. I got in a fight with my boyfriend/ best friend, found out that he got in a car crash before I could apologize, and finally finding out that he could very well be dead in less then two days now. I couldn't believe that this was all happening.

Knock Knock. I looked up at the door, and in an attempt to answer, I opened my mouth to speak. I think that the most that came out was a groan, or maybe nothing came out at all. Cali opened the door and walked in.

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

I looked up at her in confusion. How was I supposed to be feeling? I'm laying on the floor, and can't move. I don't even think that I can speak. All that I feel like doing is curling up in a ball and crying for the next week.

"Um... it hurts."

Wow, words actually came out. That was a pleasent surprise. Maybe I could actually move enought to get off of the floor?

"Aw... how can i help?"

"Can you help me get up to my bed. I can't move anything."

She walked over to me and put her arms around me. With her help, I got up off the floor and sat on the bed. We just sat there in silence for awhile, I wanted to go back to sleep, but I don't think I could.

"Kayla, do you want somthing to eat? We have some oatmeal or cereal, if you want."

I just sat there and looked at her. I was totally and completely out of it. Did I want oatmeal?

"What kind of oatmeal do we have?"

"Um.. I think there's some Cinnamon left."

"Okay, I'll have that. And Cali?"

"Yes kayla?"

"Um.. Can you go get my phone, I think it's on the charger down in the kitchen."

"Okie Dokie. I'll be right beck up with that and your breakfest."

"Thanks Cali."

And with that she slowly walked out the door to go retreive my breakfest and phone. I could tell that she was worried about me. I probably looked horrible and wasn't myself at all. I fell back on my pillows, and stared up at the ceiling. I wanted to call Mrs. Sanders to see if there was any news on Kody's condition. I sat up alittle, and flipped on the television. I flipped through the channels, but found that nothing was on. Why is it that there can be so many channels, but yet still nothing interesting on? I hit the power button, and tossed my remote in the chair. I could hear Cali walking up the stairs. When she walked in she brought with her my phone, a bowl of oatmeal, and the Bed&Breakfest tray that I from my parents when right before they left.

"Here you go. There's a message from Kody's mom on your phone, and one from Erik. He wants to know what's going on with Kody."

"Okay, Thanks."

After she handed me my phone, she set up the breakfest tray, and placed my oatmeal on it. In between bites I check the messages.

Erik: Hey Kayla! Have you heard from Kody recently? I kno u were looking for him the other day, and I've been kinda curious as well. But anyways, I'm having a party tomorrow night, everyone's coming. And well if you want to come then let me kno. Ttyl!

A party? I there was no way that I could go to a party in this condition, or atleast until Kody could come with me. I flipped to the next message, which was surprisingly sent from Kody's phone.

Kody: Hey Kayla. It's Mrs. Sanders. Kody's still laying there. I wanted to know how you were feeling this morning. You can come down anytime you want. Just let me know that you are coming first. Thanks, and I hope that you are feeling well.

I decided that I'd reply to Mrs. Sanders before dealing with rejecting Erik.


Kayla: Hey. I'm feeling okay. I'd love to come down today, I'll probably take a shower before heading down there. I'll see you then. And thanks for everything.

I hit the send button and finished my oatmeal. I explained the whole thing to Cali, and we both decided that it would probably be best if I went down alone. So as once i got in the shower, she left. I'd have to face this alone this time. I had to be strong.


© 2009 LittleEye:)

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Added on August 27, 2009



orlando, FL

All of you that have known me since 2007 have seen me grow up through my work, i just want to say thx for all of the reviews and the comments you guys help a lot more..
