Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

A Chapter by LittleEye:)

As we stood in the elevator, the only sound was the beep as we climbed up the floors until we finally reached level 3. The doors slid open and there were people waiting to board the elevator once Cali and I got off. We had both been here many times before, looking for friends who had become ill, but they all healed. Hopfully Kody would have the same luck.

We walked down the long white hallways looking for room 23B. When we found it the window blinds were closed and the door was shut. Cali walked up and silently knocked. The door opened with Mrs. Sanders standing in the doorway. She looked older then she had the last time we meet.

"Thanks for coming Kayla. I'm sure that if he wakes up he'll want to talk to you."

"What happened?"

"Well, he was on his way to come see you, and well, we don't excatly what happened, but another car hit him, and he's been out ever since."

"Is he..."

"No, he suffered serious head trauma, and now he's stuck in a coma."

"But he will come out right?"

"We're not excatly sure, but the doctors are doing everything they can to help him."

"So he might die?"

"Yes, if he doesn't come out of it in three days, then we can't do anything to keep him..."

"Why is this happening? My life was so close to perfect. We were great together!"

Now the tears came pouring down. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't keep him alive, and i couldn't stop crying. Cali came up from behind me and put her arm around me in an attempt to comfort me. She was crying too. Kody had been her friend as much as he had been mine. She would always tell me that he and i would be together in the end. I guess that meant that this was the end. We were together, and had spent the last two days together. By the time i looked up everyone was crying. Kody was just lying there perfectly still barely breathing. Other then our sobs, there was no sounds. No one said anything. I finally stood up and decided to try to say something.

"Mrs. Sanders, would you mind if I spent a few minuets alone?"

"Of course, take as long as you want, we'll be outside."

She and Cali got up and walked out the door. I sat down in the chair right next to the hospital bed where Kody lay, motionless.

"Kody, please don't die on me.... You made everything in my life perfect. You were perfect. We were perfect. I need you! You can't die on me! I love you... and we were in such a stupid fight. I don't want it to end like this! Kody, please wake up!"

I sat there for what seemed like hours. Holding his cold, lifeless hand. Everything seemed wrong. It  was like the world just stopped. Mrs. Sanders opened the door, and i tried to wipe my tears quickly away.

"Kayla, I think that you should go home and get some rest. You can come back tomorrow morning if you want to. Here wear this and you won't have to deal with the receptionist. Cali's waiting outside for you."

"Okay. Thank you for everything, Mrs. Sanders. I hope he gets better."

"We all do Kayla, and can you please do me a favor? Can you please try to get some sleep? You really need it."

"I'll try."

"Okay, good night darling"

"Night... and i'll see you tomorrow right?"

"Yes. I'll be right here."

"Okay, good-bye"

I turned to walk out the door, but i couldn't leave without looking at his face again. Tears welled up again, gosh would i ever run out of them? Cali was sitting on a bench that was right outside the door. She looked up at me and got up.


"Ready as I'll ever be."

"kay, come on we need to get you some sleep."

She put er arm around me and we both walked down the long hallway and into the elevator. Out the door to the parking garage and into her car. We drove out of the hospital, and down the familiar streets that Kody and i had driven down just the day before. We pulled up into my drive way, got out, and walked up to the door. Cali lead me upstairs, and then walked over to my closet and pulled out something to sleep in. I dressed and then layed under the covers. It was the most peacful that i had felt all day. My exhaustion had finally caught up to me and i was instently asleep.

© 2009 LittleEye:)

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Added on August 27, 2009



orlando, FL

All of you that have known me since 2007 have seen me grow up through my work, i just want to say thx for all of the reviews and the comments you guys help a lot more..
