For sharing this … it returned me to my first pet, a sweet little Welsh Corgi stray I named "Lady". We went everywhere together.
A few things this poem proves (besides that you're a brilliant poetess) is how deeply Shadow became a part of a young girl's gentle heart, and of your long ago lasting happy and sad memories … I can still close my eyes and remember Lady as though she were here with me now.
Parts of us never seem to grow-up, and some things we never get over.
Blessings! ⁓ Richard🖌
Posted 1 Day Ago
1 Day Ago
Hello Richard, thank you so much for your review of Shadow and for sharing your story about Lady. Ye.. read moreHello Richard, thank you so much for your review of Shadow and for sharing your story about Lady. Yes, those losses are difficult to forget. They pop up every now and again. I am touched by your kindness and pleased you stopped by. Hope all is good in your world.
19 Hours Ago
Your words have always inspired mine.
You are more than welcome ⁓ happy days .. read moreChris,
Your words have always inspired mine.
You are more than welcome ⁓ happy days to thee.
A most touching and sadness-filled poem; you write so effectively to convey the scars and emotions left all these years. Hard for an 8-year-old to fathom the realities of death even to a precious animal. Your poems are always top notch.
Posted 2 Days Ago
1 Day Ago
You are spoiling me Sami. Thank you for your kind words on this poem. Pleased you enjoy my poetry. H.. read moreYou are spoiling me Sami. Thank you for your kind words on this poem. Pleased you enjoy my poetry. Have a good Wednesday.
It's never an easy thing for a kid to go through, is it Chris? I bet when that penny dropped it did feel like you had swallowed a jagged mountain which tore at your heart.
Why do all parents think it best to not tell kids and leave their imaginations run wild into the dread zone?
I mean, I still tell myself my parents sent my goldfish to live on a farm and think about it every time I pass a flooded field.
I mean, it's not like my parents would lie, is it?
Posted 2 Days Ago
1 Day Ago
Hi Lorry, yes difficult for kids to deal with the loss of a pet. To be fair to my Dad, he told me th.. read moreHi Lorry, yes difficult for kids to deal with the loss of a pet. To be fair to my Dad, he told me the next morning, but I already knew by then. Oh your poor goldfish :) Thanks for stopping by. Happy Wednesday.
Hi Chris, I confess my eyes welled and my spine chilled! An off-the-charts Story-Poem! I winced with every spade strike, imagined my then 8-yr-old daughter trembling in your waking nightmare! Wow!!!
Posted 2 Days Ago
2 Days Ago
I’ve never forgotten the scraping sound of the hardened ground as my poor little dog was buried. T.. read moreI’ve never forgotten the scraping sound of the hardened ground as my poor little dog was buried. They told me the following morning he’d died, but I already knew:( Hardpad and distemper. Never had another dog for fifty years. Thanks Dylan for stopping by to read.
2 Days Ago
Anticipation, satisfaction, feeling, spurs my stoppings-by :)
...Yes, Puppy Memories linger, .. read moreAnticipation, satisfaction, feeling, spurs my stoppings-by :)
...Yes, Puppy Memories linger, sad and sweet. You've brought back mine, thanks :)
Wow. This one hits a chord. The first time we lost a pet as a child I simply could not understand for the longest time. ~Jim
Posted 2 Days Ago
2 Days Ago
Many thanks Jim. I appreciate your visit and the thoughts you have shared. All the best. read moreMany thanks Jim. I appreciate your visit and the thoughts you have shared. All the best.
Our pets are family. The are an important part of our lives. The loss of a pet is heartbreaking
Posted 3 Days Ago
2 Days Ago
So right PB and for a small child more so. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have a great day. read moreSo right PB and for a small child more so. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Have a great day.
What a lovely name, Chris; quite intriguing as well and now a “perfect” poetic Shadow, brilliant poem 🙏🏻🕊
Posted 3 Days Ago
2 Days Ago
Thank you Freds for your kind review. Pleased you enjoyed my childhood memory. Have a good day. read moreThank you Freds for your kind review. Pleased you enjoyed my childhood memory. Have a good day.
Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..