when your Richard Burton
mulberry silk voice
smooth like crushed velvet
recites my poems aloud
the cacophony at home
ceases and stands to attention
when you slip your tongue
round my English vowels
caress my consonants
embrace my stanzas
then hold my pauses close
you send tingles racing
down my spine
i imagine i am Liz Taylor
dripping in dazzling diamonds
cosseted in cosy adoration
you transform my dishwater words
into jewels of sparkling satisfaction
so thanking you will never
be sufficient
A wonderfully sensuous reminder about the power of the written and spoken word beautifully rendered! As Also, as Chaucer's Prioress's Tale reminds us, love conquers all--be it of the eros or caritas varieties. It elevates, enhances, transforms, every aspect of life just as its absence dims, reduces, trivializes it. I love this poem.
Posted 11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
Thank you Victor for your thoughtful review. Your words are very much appreciated.
C.. read moreThank you Victor for your thoughtful review. Your words are very much appreciated.
I will be in church doing prayers,today on this good friday, and pray for you for everything. I wish happy easter, the jacob at his best place showering blessings on us, the grand parents with us in our protection. May lord Jesus give us strength and power. I wish return of dad soon, and recovery from your fears and stress. Hope this Easter brightens our world. I wish a very Happy Easter. I wish i make this beautiful and blessing.day.
With love,
Jessy Jacob
Posted 11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
Happy Easter Jessy.
11 Months Ago
Glad to hear from you, its 10.48pm, my prayers answered on this good friday, before the end of the d.. read moreGlad to hear from you, its 10.48pm, my prayers answered on this good friday, before the end of the day itself, I asked Jesus and prayed for you till 3pm in the church with malayalam prayers and songs, i couldnt understand, but loved the divine music and lyrics, it was good, i hadnt ate anything till3pm,i didnt sipwater in church too, i wasnt hungry, it was all pleasant, and i prayed to rescue from people whois hurtign me since long time, then jesus answered my prayers, do what you have thought , as i asked him do you want me to take action, the church was really good, orthodox, and hope i made you to feel relaxed,
- jessy jacob,
please sleep well, now no worries, apple, egg, palak, and very soon i may get church to home, we will sit in prayer songs.
11 Months Ago
To me, it's akin to Maya Angelou's Phenomenal Woman Kudos to Chris Shaw.
11 Months Ago
Thank you. By the way who are hou glad to see you here.
Hi chris, today there is eclipse in the night from 8 pm. Please take care of hourself and your son. .. read moreHi chris, today there is eclipse in the night from 8 pm. Please take care of hourself and your son. Be safe . Till 10.30 wherever you are. I sincerely suggest not to go anydhere. This is for mesha rasi and meena rasi.
what a marvelous sensuous romantic poem for the poet ... i think it's dazzling ... so much "milk tongue" in reading ... absolutely savored "Spoken" ... wish i were he ;) .... reading
blessed peace and tranquility to you Chris
Posted 11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
Thank you my friend. My muse had a little fun composing this piece. Always good to have a visit from.. read moreThank you my friend. My muse had a little fun composing this piece. Always good to have a visit from you. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Hi chris/betty,
Hope your eyes are clean and clear. The rolling eyes the eyes that mesmerises the world making people crazy the cells may get low and eeak but the beauty never fades off and i love my eyes, his eyes and i love eyes of your eyes that bestows showers of blessings and fills the weak heart to be stronger. I adore the mother eyes, always with love to family. Wow treadmill then you are recovered, i mesn from surjery. Trying veggies recipes maybe chickpea rice potato and tomago curry. You havent said how my taste good for you did you like it. Let me know what kind of food you love.
I feel ken bro took so much time hope his effortz dont go waste in fixing up home. I know he is not elder to me atleast he should give me chance to see him and you. Afterall where i am going i am working with ngo to get church to home hope if it but works i could see you.
I would like you to have you ice pack fior eyes, daily a egg and palak.
What a great film that was Ken. What great actors they were. Polished performers, and yet ….. Tha.. read moreWhat a great film that was Ken. What great actors they were. Polished performers, and yet ….. Thanks so much for stopping by. I have been elusive of late. Need to be more disciplined :) Hope you and muse are well.
11 Months Ago
we are. and you can't have been any more elusive than myself. been a month working on the green dres.. read morewe are. and you can't have been any more elusive than myself. been a month working on the green dress, and it consumed so much time I really only popped in maybe 4 or 5 times all month. happy to be back though.
hope all is well the other side of the pond.
11 Months Ago
All ok, though I have been lazy with poetry. Need to do some catch up. Must get back on the treadmil.. read moreAll ok, though I have been lazy with poetry. Need to do some catch up. Must get back on the treadmill:)
wow, wondering, i do wonder, yes. st patricks day celebration on someone eye injury, great really wonderful, i must see his face now. to spout hot coffee into his nose, which bleeds blood out of it.... great going master.
jessy jacob.
for easter where are you going in which land mass??
i want to hav easter mourn in memory of dad at office, with a great portrait of him in place of last supper painting. That will inspire every day each of us to work better, and not to bleed off memeories with fun and lust just like that nothing has happened.
hi chris, i pity him, for not being with you at your surgery, and spending out of country, great, so busy being speaker and seeker. Atleast we should care for them who are with us, why is he so adamant in seeking a bull. is it eye surjery like a tablet given by servant, i know how it matters when alcohol come into pic, never cared for dad dreams and never worried about mom injury surjery, just his passionatic seukiingg.
i m sorry for being straight forward, how does it matter when you are always giving, people exploit and exploit and exploit....
jessy jacob.
i wish you speed recoevry , i see you always online, take good care of sleep.
If only Chris.... I feel the same way...that's why we love to fantasize..and you portrayed this imaginative piece so well...your vivid colors and delicious words are wonderful....yes I imagine Liz Taylor as well, oh to be Queen for a day or even an hour..."when you slip your tongue round my English vowels"....oh that Richard Burton...they were a pair alright!
Warmly, B
Posted 11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
Thank you dear Betty for sharing your thoughts. Always welcome and warmly appreciated.
read moreThank you dear Betty for sharing your thoughts. Always welcome and warmly appreciated.
11 Months Ago
You're very welcome dear Chris, hope you are well!
Warmly, B
A lovely fantasy indeed! You have me wondering what husky female voice i' want to read my own! Fay Dunaway, maybe, or Kathleen Turner. But if I could be there at the time I'd love to hear Dorothy Parker or Anais Nin... OH! but what about Stevie NIcks! Yeah, Stevie!
Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..