where’s my influence
i can’t find it
i’ve searched wardrobes
in mind corridors
without success
i wore it well
a black dress of non seduction
trimmed with chilled emotion
kept those feelings in check
the work place hot
with men in business suits
i am surrounded
where are the women
i am the woman
i was the woman
where am I now
in a restaurant
in the company of a man
he wears casual
i wear perfume
scented with run away emotion
on the sleeves of my best dress
i want to impress
the dress feels tight
the seams hurt
my heart is exploding
where is my influence
I’ve lost it
i am putty
i am putty
he doesn’t know it
i can’t show it
where is my influence
where is my influence
i’ve lost it
Sometimes it’s kind of nice to feel all those feelings and remember that they’re still there, especially because so often as a women they are better kept “in check” as you say. It’s kind of crazy how, speaking from my own experience, you almost forget they’re there and then they hit you all of a sudden and it is overwhelming. Very much like putty. The phrase “I’m melting” comes to mind.
I loved the tone you wrote this in. The reader could very much feel the emotions through it and it was like I was experiencing it alongside you.
As far as influence goes, I think it just changes forms instead of actually disappearing.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I appreciated very much your visit. Have a great Wednes.. read moreThank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I appreciated very much your visit. Have a great Wednesday.
Am sat her smiling envisaging the moment, when you heart is racing and you know you have to breathe slowly to keep your calm, cool exterior :)
Sometimes even a chance meeting, let alone an arranged one can be very sexually electric..
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Seems dear Stella you’ve been there too. Trying to act cool when you are all a flutter lol. Thank .. read moreSeems dear Stella you’ve been there too. Trying to act cool when you are all a flutter lol. Thank you for stopping by.
1 Year Ago
hha, only the once Chris a few years ago , my son was watching from not far away as this strange man.. read morehha, only the once Chris a few years ago , my son was watching from not far away as this strange man walked up to me and said " Hello i am John". Son ais he could alomost see the electricity bouncing off the two of us it was charged. Long story, the attraction was too great on both sides at the wrong time.
don't think for one moment longer that you've lost it .. I have it on good authority that you've not .. funny how that perfume lingers isn't it Chris .. I wonder, did he smell good too .. hope he paid and left a good tip regardless .. thank you for sharing what I imagine could have been a fine romance .. Neville
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Perfume does linger. The man in question here was a perfect gentleman. Completely bowled me over he .. read morePerfume does linger. The man in question here was a perfect gentleman. Completely bowled me over he did in every way. Many thanks Neville:)
No Never… you passed it on to your Children. What we share now is understanding and compatibility… with a Touch of Mink on a Pink Suit… that earns a Wink in your Direction… Champagne and a Diamond to Celebrate with 💐 flowers … The Best is yet to Come… the older the Violin.. the Sweeter the Music… softly, Pat
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Dear Pat, always wisdom and poetic beauty in your responses. For that I am truly grateful. Sending l.. read moreDear Pat, always wisdom and poetic beauty in your responses. For that I am truly grateful. Sending love to you both across the pond.
A great read, Chris. I've heard there are "influence peddlers" out there although I've never personally met one. Most people ignore me, thankfully. I learned to play guitar as a teen to influence girls. All those girls are old women now but I still have the guitar. It's strange, the things we think we wanted when compared to what we have that lasts.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Ha ha. Influence peddlers lol. Where are they when you need one? Pleased to say these days. I do not.. read moreHa ha. Influence peddlers lol. Where are they when you need one? Pleased to say these days. I do not feel the need to impress anyone. I am what I am take it or leave it. Many thanks Fabian. Pleased you enjoyed your visit. Best wishes.
oh Wow, Dear Chris Shaw,
those words in your prose-poem, makes me think
a pretty dress, a perfume to seduce,
a boy that cannot see the least of you
and you are a little uncomfortable, but kill to impress,
kill to dominate, I'm so sure he notices,
I'm sure he loves you Dear,
---great write! -----Maynard
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Dear Maynard, you are so wrong, he loved me not, but I love that you have left your mark here. Than.. read moreDear Maynard, you are so wrong, he loved me not, but I love that you have left your mark here. Thank you.
1 Year Ago
Dear, Chris,
that's terrible,
my mind aches for you,
you are most gracious,read moreDear, Chris,
that's terrible,
my mind aches for you,
you are most gracious,
It is spiraling sometimes when we feel like putty and we’d rather be in control of our emotions and reactions to someone else’s presence.
Mr Blue Eyes has made me feel like a brain dead pile of jello since the beginning. Trying not to let on at first was very difficult and sometimes I still try not to let on but we have blunt home with each other cause that’s mostly what we have lol
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
It’s not often someone reduces me to putty, I can tell you. Strange how some people can have that .. read moreIt’s not often someone reduces me to putty, I can tell you. Strange how some people can have that effect on you. Magnetic appeal lol.
I haven’t ever felt brain dead in anyone’s presence though lol. I can hold my own in conversation with anyone. Thanks for your reviews. I owe you a visit. I am trying to catch up after a break. Will see you soon.
1 Year Ago
It’s not often it happens to me either. Three times in my life I’ve felt this kind of pull. I’.. read moreIt’s not often it happens to me either. Three times in my life I’ve felt this kind of pull. I’m not really brain dead person. He’s a very intense exciting energy for me. It make my body confused cause I have an anxiety and it creates a similar reaction. It takes me a minute to calm down.
Ah, but your poetic voice carries such authority, as always.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you John for stopping by. Hope all is good in your world. I appreciate your thoughts.
.. read moreThank you John for stopping by. Hope all is good in your world. I appreciate your thoughts.
Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..