Magnolia Mourns

Magnolia Mourns

A Poem by Chris Shaw

ivory petals
cascade in silent defeat
winter chill returns

© 2022 Chris Shaw

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Hi Chris, If one looks deeper into your short thoughts then they might see a great metaphor...
all sorts of thing pop to my mind..Love, sadness, war, etc.
Really like this one of yours,
Lisa, just finished 3 hours of gardening... I love doing this..

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

Thanks Lisa, the brevity of this form allows the imagination to travel to far places. That is a good.. read more

2 Years Ago

You are so welcome
Still so much to do
Did another two this morning but my back really.. read more


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Have just driven past a mourning magnolia, such a shame their beauty so short lived. Met a few women like that :))
Good morning Christine, thermals and a roaring fire ?

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

Good morning Gee. Ah! Beauty is all too fleeting on occasions. Just think of all that energy the mag.. read more

2 Years Ago

You too 😎
I think once ours bloom there will be little threat of frost...they don't generally bloom here until mid to late June. Our state weather has always been erratic to say the least. We dress in layers and redress as needed. I've seen it 75 at Christmas and snowing at Easter. Also seen it the other way around, which is the way I like it. Great image here in a few words. Well done. F.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

The magnificent beauty of the blooms on this tree were so fleeting. Cut short by a cruel frost. Such.. read more
Very cool..or cold. Maybe I should just pedal on off.

PS> I like it.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

Thank you for stopping by and I enjoyed your little bit of humour. We all need more humour. Pleased .. read more
I love this Chris, we are all guessing? Beautiful.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

Fickle weather Lathe. We never know what we are going to get. I enjoyed the sunshine while we had it.. read more
Very Beautiful Chris - good use of the 5-7-5 - nice cadences. Very cold here today and we had snow flurries yesterday. I went to St Stephen's to light my Candles as St Mary's was having their Midday Mass. St Stephen's is also on Bristol Centre and they are 'Born Agains' with a Cafe attached. Bristol Shopping Centre still looks like it has been in a War but I was able to get to the Post Office in the Galleries.

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

Thank you Tony. Yes, snow flurries we had too, plus hail which makes a racket as it falls. Nice for .. read more

2 Years Ago

The Candle lighting definitely helps Chris, and it ties in neatly with the Reiki Practice also. Now .. read more
Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

And that dear friend is exactly how it should be. Hope your Saturday stays bright and beautiful. It.. read more
Nature is sure struggling to cope with our increasingly moody weather patterns. It makes me wonder if flowers such as these will evolve to adapt to the changing climate or simply keep cascading with every cold snap that arrives. You captured their predicament extremely well in this haiku, Chris. We need all flowers rejoicing, not in mourning. 💛

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

I do hope the blooms learn to adapt over time. It is such a pity to see, that with one cold frost, t.. read more
Oh so sad, poor flowers always being tricked by nature. We haven’t got that far as to get flowers, still too cold and ground too hard. Better the flowers when winter finally conceded. Nicely done Chris :)

Posted 2 Years Ago

Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

Thank you Patricia. Yes all too fleeting. Those blooms came and went in the blink of an eye.
.. read more
It feels like that some mornings. I feel like when something or somebody sheds something, chills will be felt. We try to compensate with warmth in our minds. Wow!

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

2 Years Ago

Thank you Sami. Yes us humans can flit from warmth to cold, too. So it's not just the weather. Sad t.. read more

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18 Reviews
Added on April 1, 2022
Last Updated on April 1, 2022


Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw

Berkshire, United Kingdom

Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..


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