Lavender always reminds me of the cachet my granny kept in her bureau. Sage smells best in a turkey dressing. :>}
Now, like so many, I too like the smell of patchouli oil ... takes me back to the days of my youthful self and those wonderful times of discovery ... and, oh the music!!!
Wonderful senryu Chris ... good job.
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
Ted, sincere apologies. My thanks two years late!!! Better late than never and such a lovely review.. read moreTed, sincere apologies. My thanks two years late!!! Better late than never and such a lovely review as well. I like patchouli oil too . All the best.
...... it was the faintest of flickers that caught my attention .. that and the faintest wisp of something that reminded me so much of my grandma's parlour and her wardrobe .. the rest might be history .. but it was my history and I thank you for helping me see it albeit briefly .. Neville
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Thank you Neville. Written quite a while back for someone special who was going through a hard time... read moreThank you Neville. Written quite a while back for someone special who was going through a hard time. I’m pleased you were reminded of your grandma by these words. I hope your memories brought you comfort. I grow both sage and lavender in my garden.
Lavender always reminds me of the cachet my granny kept in her bureau. Sage smells best in a turkey dressing. :>}
Now, like so many, I too like the smell of patchouli oil ... takes me back to the days of my youthful self and those wonderful times of discovery ... and, oh the music!!!
Wonderful senryu Chris ... good job.
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Years Ago
Ted, sincere apologies. My thanks two years late!!! Better late than never and such a lovely review.. read moreTed, sincere apologies. My thanks two years late!!! Better late than never and such a lovely review as well. I like patchouli oil too . All the best.
This is precious! I believe many need a bouquet of healing & I love the way natural fragrances can send us to a more relaxed spot in our minds. I'm lucky to have lots of lavender in my garden & lots of sage growing wild everywhere (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Thank you dear Margie. Then you will be well aware of the benefits of both of them. I have plenty of.. read moreThank you dear Margie. Then you will be well aware of the benefits of both of them. I have plenty of lavender but only a small patch of sage. Need to expand. My rosemary though has gone berserk :) Appreciate you checking in. Have a great day.
Sage and lavender. I burn the sage by the lake and I liked the smell of lavender. All of us are stressed today. We need to find places, something to do to allow us to know some peace. A wonderful poem shared dear Chris.
I know sage is for healing and lavender for calming. I have burned a candle the last two nights. Man.. read moreI know sage is for healing and lavender for calming. I have burned a candle the last two nights. Many are stressed and some of my friends are unwell. This is something I wanted to share to say I am thinking of them and indeed anyone who needs these words. Thank you Coyote
4 Years Ago
Hello dear Chris. We are tougher than we believe. Look at your country. Rome try to steal her away. .. read moreHello dear Chris. We are tougher than we believe. Look at your country. Rome try to steal her away. She is standing. We can do the same. You are welcome dear friend.
4 Years Ago
Thank you Coyote. Yes we survived the Roman invasion and have kept invaders out since. There is stre.. read moreThank you Coyote. Yes we survived the Roman invasion and have kept invaders out since. There is strength when you least expect it.
Every time I hear of the calmness of lavender, I think of Billy Connolly saying that he passed miles of lavender fields in France and no one was laying around chilling out, but instead working their a*s off, looking like deer caught in the headlights... And him a self-confessed hippie too!
He must prefer patchouli... Pat Chewly!? I think I went to school with him 😀
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
He is such an incredibly funny man isn't he Lorry. Yes, lavender has to be picked doesn't it? Althou.. read moreHe is such an incredibly funny man isn't he Lorry. Yes, lavender has to be picked doesn't it? Although I prefer to think of it in a beautiful field, attracting lots of bees to those purple headed spikes and scenting the air with a touch of heaven. Comedians like poets have a different way of looking at things. I like patchouli too. I am a self confessed hippie of old :)
A senryu that has a bouquet to it as I imaging a scented candle, dimmed lights and soft jazz.
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Thank you John. I guess dimmed lights and jazz can be healing too. Appreciating your thoughts here.<.. read moreThank you John. I guess dimmed lights and jazz can be healing too. Appreciating your thoughts here.
it sounds very encouraging if not enticing.
magical few words while suggestive
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Thank you iliOZ. I am a great fan of scented candles. Especially lavender and sage which I find to b.. read moreThank you iliOZ. I am a great fan of scented candles. Especially lavender and sage which I find to be healing.
Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..