One Starless Night

One Starless Night

A Poem by Chris Shaw

(a second poem posted on moon moods)

chariots of heavy cloud,
gun metal greys outnumber
madam moon as she illuminates
the witching hours

hurtling past at speed, a
stampede no less of fast moving
madness casting shadows on her
fine skin

diva is bemused by the race
taking place before her  eyes,
gives out a sigh, says it's time
this usurping stopped

within minutes the wind had
dropped, intermittent spaces
appeared, all activity quietly

lunar beauty recovered, no
blemishes or swirling mass to
impair her shimmering face 
as she shines bright

queen of light is she, left alone
surrounded by her halo, on an
invisible throne, full ownership
of the heavens restored

© 2023 Chris Shaw

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Featured Review

Love this one Chris and as you know we have just reissued my 2014 EBook FULL MOONS AND HALF TRUTHS on Amazon Worldwide. You capture the Moon Goddess and her ethereal Beauty perfectly in this haunting Piece. Excellent ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

1 Year Ago

So pleased you approve of this poem Tony on a subject which you too feel inspired by. Thank you so m.. read more


A rewarding way to enjoy a sleepless night
have U seen Mars
I don't know where 2 look

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

No John, I haven't seen Mars. Wouldn't have a clue. I have seen Venus though on occasions. Thank you.. read more
And with it comes the calmness restored and the hope of the new day about to dawn being so clear, in these foggiest of days.
Have missed watching the skies the past few nights/ morns... Slept right through, just like a baby... Crying and pooped my pants 😀
Beautifully captured Chris.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Hope you get a clear night tonight to watch the aurora. Some here (not me) could see it last night s.. read more
Chris Shaw

1 Year Ago

Just heard about it on the news. Hope you get to see it tonight :)

1 Year Ago

It's cloudy now, so I'm trying my hardest to blow them away like the big bad wolf. I huffed... And I.. read more
Well Chris you managed to impart the view of clouds scudding across the face of the moon and then the wind dropping away as a calm, clear sky ensues. Nice descriptive poetry.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

Thank you John. Not something that is everyday. Very striking cloud movement against the moon's surf.. read more
Another great and beautiful poem about the night. You have a way of describing nighttime that’s just so nice and magical and always feels like I should be reading it in a book.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

4 Years Ago

Thank you Colacat, I appreciate your thoughts here.


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35 Reviews
Added on October 8, 2020
Last Updated on February 27, 2023


Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw

Berkshire, United Kingdom

Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..


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