Lie back and think of England, back in the day when equality was a four letter word and the police would bring the panda eyed wife bsck to its owner. It does amaze me how far we have came, within my lifetime and the things that change are hopefully like world war 2 recounts to the current generation. But it is even more amazing how much we havent changed. Make your own lists ladies, extra paper will be provided.
Sadly, there still are some right Alberts around.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Those were the days Lorry. There has been much change, but there is still room for improvement. No d.. read moreThose were the days Lorry. There has been much change, but there is still room for improvement. No doubt there are still a few Albert's around. Thank you.
Albert days and Freed ways.
Love once meant never having to say "please."
No matter how you figure it, marriage is a kind of enslavement.
A starkly illustrative poem, Chris.
Posted 4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Times were very different then Jimmy. They were devoted to each other, but as a kid I never did unde.. read moreTimes were very different then Jimmy. They were devoted to each other, but as a kid I never did understand why he couldn't stir his own tea:) Needless to say no one has ever asked me to do it :))Thank you for bringing them back.
Well written interesting poem Chris. Your words certainly paint a bleak picture for the ladies of England. Sorry to say much was the same for the ladies in the States. There has been movement here and I think Trump is seen as the last guard for male domination.
Your writing is always crisp and clean, balanced and free flowing. Well done Sister poet.
Richie b.
Posted 6 Years Ago
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6 Years Ago
Thanks so much richieb, and forgive the lateness of my response. Your visits always appreciated. read moreThanks so much richieb, and forgive the lateness of my response. Your visits always appreciated.
It takes real skill to a vignette that can bring to life characters in relatively few lines--well done. [And just for the record, I make my own tea usually, and I even stir it all by myself!]
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Many thanks Nolo for reviewing this poem. Your thoughts very much appreciated. Pleased you stir your.. read moreMany thanks Nolo for reviewing this poem. Your thoughts very much appreciated. Pleased you stir your own tea as well :) I'm a bit behind with some responses myself, so please forgive my tardiness.
Oh how I love this, Chris! It was so then that women were conditioned to wait upon their lords and masters unconditionally! So unflinching was their devotion, their servitude. Such conditioning is still common in eastern cultures though things are changing slowly. Now men are being expected to help out with domestic chores though the balance is till tilted in their favour.
I love, just love the way you wrote this poem. Superb characterisation! Great example of show and tell! Enjoyed!
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
I really appreciate your response DIVYA. It is quite something when you reflect on how things used t.. read moreI really appreciate your response DIVYA. It is quite something when you reflect on how things used to be, and how they have changed direction. Pleased you enjoyed this one.
I think that even though my mother is lonely after my dads passing, her freedom has been restored somewhat and I really think she enjoys it. she says she gets lonely at times but things she does are for herself now and that makes me happy. this was an awesome societal and familial comment Christine.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Thank you Crowley. Good to hear about your Mum's new freedom. Some never get to experience that. Hop.. read moreThank you Crowley. Good to hear about your Mum's new freedom. Some never get to experience that. Hope she continues to enjoy it. At least there is more freedom for most women these days.
From what i've heard and read there were times when men expected from their women what they took from their mothers. And of course those mothers had seen same between their parents. Now is called submission and domination.. disgusting bad manners heavily weighed in disrespect. Even now i see children being allowed to get away with bad manners, surrounded by adoring parents who allow them to grow up no hasving a clue about 'thank you for.. or would you like..' Manners do maketh man. Old fashioned me, easily charmed by thanks and doors being held open, et al.
Sad but superbly written poetry, Chris, as always. My thoughts go back to 'Sons and Lovers' and the like. Your work is an example of how to bring real life and the imagined alongside each other. Thank you so much for being here in the cafe.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Thank you Em for your very kind words. Things in the main are very different nowadays,, but that doe.. read moreThank you Em for your very kind words. Things in the main are very different nowadays,, but that doesn't mean that these people weren't happy together. That was all they knew, what had been passed on from one generation to another. Different times, different standards, what remains unchanged is that they actually were devoted to each other and had a relationship which survived until death. How often does that happen these days?
6 Years Ago
I did understand what you said, meant. It was how it was. Decades vary, behaviour the same, but emo.. read moreI did understand what you said, meant. It was how it was. Decades vary, behaviour the same, but emotions are created as love or not decrees.
It truly does depend on love and respect... both erratic these days. Perhaps.
Interesting write – it highlights an issue still with us today, albeit more openly discussed than in the past. When liberty is crushed by a dominating and controlling partner, it makes the ‘victim’ feel imprisoned in marriage – not love at all! Great share my friend...:-)
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Different times, different standards. Nowadays this situation would be unthinkable. Their relationsh.. read moreDifferent times, different standards. Nowadays this situation would be unthinkable. Their relationship lasted until death and they were devoted to each other. Many thanks Phill for your visit. Always good to see you.
Thanks kitty. We have moved a long way. Funny thing is Albert and Freda were devoted to each other. .. read moreThanks kitty. We have moved a long way. Funny thing is Albert and Freda were devoted to each other. There was much love there. All good wishes.
6 Years Ago
?better times? People were definately more tolerant towards each other - more accepting of their 'ro.. read more?better times? People were definately more tolerant towards each other - more accepting of their 'role' in society.
6 Years Ago
Relationships certainly lasted longer kitty. Albert and Freda stayed married until death.
she has got off very lightly going by my standard of living and I suppose that shows times changing. love is love and times have changed and this must be remembered. great highlight in your poetry.
There was much love there. Times have indeed changed. She was very happy to wait on him. Thank you d.. read moreThere was much love there. Times have indeed changed. She was very happy to wait on him. Thank you duck. It's the love that counts innit?As long as there is mutual love.
6 Years Ago
I get this and all this PC correctness makes people question things like this and they fail to under.. read moreI get this and all this PC correctness makes people question things like this and they fail to understand - things are done through love as you clearly express.
Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..