

A Poem by Chris Shaw

Within Lynch Island's tangled tracks,
I stand before an English oak
whose girth exceeds all others seen.
Grey furrowed bark is tough on touch
as parasitic ivy clings
to vines that climb to giddy heights.

I circumvent a sturdy base
and with extended arms I reach
to measure round a wayward waist.
Five times I stretch with fingertips
beneath its overhanging boughs.
Five times the width of my embrace.

In days ahead with tree in leaf,
a canopy of heavy shade
will block each ray of lucent light,
and dark the pathways will become
that lead to where in May each year,
white bells of Loddon lilies bloom.

How many Kings and Queens have ruled?
How many tyrants thrived and died?
How many battles lost and won?
Yet undisturbed this tree stands strong
that's overseen the misery
of England's bloodied history.

If trees were able to convey,
if they could whisper words to us,
what secrets would they dare to tell?
That life prolonged on planet earth
is barely stirred by Heaven's grace,
far greater stoked by flames from Hell.

© 2018 Chris Shaw

My Review

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I regularly gaze at my surrounding majestic oaks & think of all that they’ve watched over here in this spot. But in your poem, you’ve done this to a degree only imagined by me, before now. You are a wizard when it comes to painting details with startling freshness. Nice variation and flow of tree-ness and then people-ness and then questioning and then universe-ness. The way it all fits together is stunningly profound. Thanks for the inspiration (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

6 Years Ago

I am blushing Margie. You are far too generous.



'Eskimo Blue Day'
Jefferson Airplane
Track 7 on Volunteers

'Doesn't mean s**t to a tree'

your workings speak for themselves! KUDOS!

Posted 7 Months Ago


6 Months Ago

alive and kick'in up a storm!
these are the most important days of my life!
i am livin.. read more

6 Months Ago

What do you mean by kicking up storm and engaged?
Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Many thanks Keith. I’ll check that track out. Keep well and keep going. Happy Friday.

read more
I have long been a lover .. of trees that is .. and have known many as friends & confidants throughout the course of my life to date .. I have been known to hug them and to talk to them .. I was told as a child, or rather overheard it being said, 'he will grow out of it so don't fret' .. but it seems I never have ..

It also saddens me that so many have such BIG disregard for nature (trees) in particular and only think about themselves .. Anyway, I have waffled on too much but just want to say how much I enjoyed coming here today and taking on board each of the sentiments & uncertainties you have poetically alluded to ..

Have a terrific Thursday .. Neville

Posted 7 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Sorry for late response Neville. A tree hugger will always be a tree hugger. I’ve not grown out of.. read more

6 Months Ago

no worries .. my pleasure
Hi chris,
How are you?
I wish you to drink buttermilk (1 glass buttermilk +2 glasses water) mixed and set outside over night. Drink this in early morning first you wakeup. This will cleanse acids that are blocking your digestion. And health of your total body. For everything digestion plays important role in beauty of mind and blemishless fair skin of face too. I tried and its working.

I wish i give this buttermilk every day for you.
I will tell ramu to prepare this for you.

Hope you are taking best care of you.

Thank you
Hav a best day
Jessy jacob.

Posted 7 Months Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Thank you Jessy. I have been resting and taking a break. Look after yourself.

Hi chris, how are you.

Hope you are doing good.

I am missing you.

Posted 7 Months Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Wonderful stuff, Chris. We need to take time for nature and reflection. Just wanted to stop in and say hello.

Posted 7 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Thank you John. Apologies for late response. All the best to you dear poet.

Wow. Amazing work. Endurance is key.

Posted 7 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Thank you kindly Thomas. Sorry for the delay in response.

Ancient English Oak hs such a magical quality , it has absorbed so much history that it is part of our heritage.
Tree hugging to receive to a bit of serenity from such a spititual source is a beautiful experience ...

Posted 7 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Thank you dear Stella. Sorry for late response. Taking a break. Hope all is good with you and yours .. read more
Stella Armour

6 Months Ago

All good thank you Chris, taking a long break from this myself, enjoy the rest of the summer 😎
Excellent imagery in this piece. I enjoyed the read very much. May you and yours live ever peacefully and safely! :)

Posted 7 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Thank you for a lovely comment. Sentiment reciprocated. Sorry for late response, I have taken a brea.. read more
Jerry Ables

6 Months Ago

You're very welcome! :)
closing grabs me .. i love the tree hugging attempt in the measuring .. so easy to picture you doing just that, Chris .. our trees are so important and as older Native Americans might say .. trees do talk .. and whisper and sigh ... so interlaced .. thanks for this inspiring piece ..

Posted 8 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Thank you dear Mr E for your lovely comment. Sorry for delay in responding I have taken a break. Hop.. read more
Einstein Noodle

6 Months Ago

breaks are good ... i take a lot of them these days ;) luv on ya!
Your poetry is elegantly written, beautiful crafted, and I was simply mesmerized with the last verses,
Now I am going to view trees differently, maybe one day they speak!
You my friend are truly deep artist.
A. Amos

Posted 8 Months Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Months Ago

Thank you so much for a wonderful review. Sorry for the delay in replying. I have been having a brea.. read more

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31 Reviews
Added on April 30, 2018
Last Updated on April 30, 2018


Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw

Berkshire, United Kingdom

Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..

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