If Your Face Doesn't Fit

If Your Face Doesn't Fit

A Poem by Chris Shaw

In an ice splintered twilight
Sits dark in the gloam'
A bird on a wire
The others have flown.
Perhaps they've migrated
And left it alone?

So I think of the city
And its burnished, bright lights
And the plight of the homeless,
Forgotten at night,
As they huddle for cover
And keep out of sight.

I ponder on faces
Of the Mothers who birthed,
the ones who have nothing
on this cold planet Earth,
And the lesson I've learned,
If your face doesn't fit,
your prospects and future
Are worthless as spit.

© 2018 Chris Shaw

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At the end there I thought of another word that rhymes with spit that would fit as well but I think I will keep it to myself. Very sad Chris and the saddest part is, it is true. I don't believe any mother gives birth to a child with the thought they will end up homeless, but maybe I am wrong. I love the title of this as well, Very cool.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

1 Year Ago

Thank you so much will for your thoughtful review. I know full well the word you were thinking of an.. read more


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Ain't that the truth.
" Be a dear and fawn over me. Yes, yes, that's it, I think you'll go far "
Me, I've blagged my way into many a job, and as of yet, have never truly been found out ( he writes with fingers crossed).
Like this muchly ma'am, muchly I say...

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

6 Years Ago

thank you Gee.
Straight and to the point.
If your face doesn't fit, you're out.
Sometimes it's the underhanded way this happens.
Usually when your name doesn't fit the criteria of the company.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

6 Years Ago

Thank you Paul. Yes, I have seen it happen in the business environment frequently over the years. Ap.. read more
I liked the below lines.
"If your face doesn't fit,
your prospects and future
Are worthless as spited"
Old school wisdom is the best. Honest and powerful words and thoughts shared Christine in the outstanding poetry.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chris Shaw

6 Years Ago

You have made my day reading all my stuff. Thanks.
Coyote Poetry

6 Years Ago

I loved your work Christine. You are a talented writer and you are welcome.
Chris Shaw

6 Years Ago

Big, big thank you.

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53 Reviews
Added on April 17, 2018
Last Updated on April 17, 2018


Chris Shaw
Chris Shaw

Berkshire, United Kingdom

Albert, my paternal grandfather introduced me to Tennyson when I was nine. I have loved poetry ever since but did not attempt writing a single piece until I was 40. It's never too late to try somethin.. more..


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