When I cannot see the fire in my heart,
I look for a muse.. see the fire in there heart,
lift them up.
sparks ignite my passion returns, spelling and grammar still lack.
I identify with your words and feel empathy toward the resolute emotions that you convey. It flow seems simple at its start but with every new line we are sunk deeper into candid expressions offf artistic merit. I loved reading this, particularly the conclusion.. since I too hold a relentless need to express by way of words.
It is always best to write for self, writing for others is draining and they are never happy with the gift a writer gives. You are good with words, your poetry is always pure and flowing. I enjoy it, like all the rest and this one confirms your talent even more.
I loved reading this, every line offered a new turn and you can tell that this piece is personal, because of the fact that it's filled with so much emotions. I agree the world is lacking in life. It's also over dosing in trends. I loved reading this, because it made me think, of all of the things that are going on in this world that are more often than not ignored because they are convinient. Thank you for that.
Sometimes words on paper are easier to understand then real life. I feel we give up too soon. Love should be slow and easy. A lot of people rush into love and forget to enjoy and celebrate the steps of love. Words brought peace to my disappointed heart. I was lucky. I had a wise Father. He told me. "If you lose a woman. Find another one and leave the sadness behind." His advice was true with 53 years of life. Took me 37 years to find my poor wife. I like the ending. Writing has been my peace for 36 years.
I hate this part. This is the part where I try to tell you who I am, what I've been and what I want with every single last milimeter of blood dancing in my veins to become- the person who my heart bea.. more..