

A Story by Carol Cashes

Reposting this earlier piece. It was written as a means of describing my worst days before diagnosis and medication. It also happens to accurately describe some of my days this past 8 months....




She resisted the instinctual urge to put her hands over her ears; knew the sound was from within, generated by the storm in her mind.


This roaring wind is set to destroy her--sink her, and her defenses--intelligence and intuition, reason and experience were nearly finished, extinguished; only instinct remained.   No time for repairs or prayers, no resources, no refuge.


She looked around the crowded room, cocked her head slightly as she watched all the mouths opening, closing. There should be noises, sounds with their movements but the din of the approaching storm only she could hear drowned out all but her own thoughts.


Someone touched her arm; startled, she turned to gauge the danger from this, another threat.  Mouth opening, closing,  much too close, and she sensed the noises she couldn’t hear were directed at her.  Instinct, some remembered protocol, prompted her to nod and smile before turning away.  She moved toward the only exit in the crowded room; this room filled with mouths making sounds, noises she could not hear.


Every mouth in the path to freedom turned in her direction, opening, closing, slowing her race to safety;  panic rising as she feared she would surely be swallowed up.


She felt the mouth that found its way clear to press against her face, rapid movements stirring the air and filling her ear with a soft warmth.  She sensed urgency, importance,  but heard only the increasing roar of this monstrous mind-storm.


She struggled, panicked,  pushed hard against the last remaining mouths, straining to reach the exit before the storm overtook her, delivered the fatal blow, swallowed her whole.  Oh, God, she wasn’t going to make it.  She would be lost, drowned--not fair, not...


“NOT FAIR!!”  Startled, she realized that she had pushed this sound from within herself to the outside.  She stopped;  watched as mouth after mouth ceased movement, the air in the room stilled and she knew they were silent. 


She also now knew what she had to do, her only chance.  She silently begged their forgiveness.


Opening her mouth wide, she forced the mind-storm from her now frantic brain to her mouth, pushed, allowed it to escape.  Eyes closed, she released the pent-up fury,  the frustrated rage, the crippling hurt and sorrow.  The storm poured out of her mouth into the room, an seemingly endless roar of her.


Finally spent, she slowly opened her eyes, drained, completely purged of the near-fatal force and for a moment, could not interpret for her weak and exhausted brain what her eyes beheld.


No mouths moved, nor the bodies they were attached to, nor the pieces of bodies strewn throughout the room like a child’s jigsaw puzzle dumped on the table and waiting to be reassembled.   She heard her own panting breath, nothing more.

© 2018 Carol Cashes

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The tortured sounds of someone drowning in life, trying to run through treacle and quicksand trying to outrun the bad news , all the more powerful for it's personal content

Posted 5 Years Ago

lease excuse the fact I have started reading your posts arse about face... I like to be a little different.. otherwise some of these older writes tend to get lost and or forgotten... I must say, I thoroughly enjoyed this my friend a very credible if not a tad scary tale if ever there was... All Good Things and true.. Neville

Posted 6 Years Ago

Powerful use of description dear Carol. You made the reader believe every word. We can become a time-bomb and if we do. Can create great damage. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Coyote Poetry

6 Years Ago

I pray all things get better. I do understand stress. Can kill us. I hope you can slow down and enjo.. read more
Carol Cashes

6 Years Ago

It's the small and simple joys that sustain me. My little community had its 2nd annual Christmas par.. read more
Coyote Poetry

6 Years Ago

Sound like a wonderful life dear Carol. Have some fun and be safe.
I really liked this piece! It is indeed a bit similar to my story and I found this to be very inspiring. Very captivating writing. Thanks for pointing this out to me, I'm excited to read more of your uploaded pieces.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Carol Cashes

7 Years Ago

I'm glad you liked it. Your mention of "puzzle pieces" made me think of it and between us we have s.. read more
Very interesting & amazing way of showing this! I get the sensations of being closed off from everyone else in the room, as if in a glass compartment. Many creative expressions to show vividly how this might feel. It wasn't as raw & intense as I might've drawn such a portrait, but I like your style & it gives me ideas about doing things differently. Understated can often be more impactful than dramatic, huh? *smile* (((HUGS)))

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

We all have our various brushes with insanity, so that's why this is relatable . . .
Carol Cashes

7 Years Ago

Indeed, it's why I took up Creative Cussin', in my car with the windows up, which was working fine u.. read more

7 Years Ago

You're creatively hilarious! *smile*
Tragedy brilliantly portrayed.
Stunning poetry!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Carol Cashes

7 Years Ago

Thank you so much for reading this. It was a "pouring out" of the way I've felt before my give-a-da.. read more
I find this griping, frightening and fully realistic. (Not that I've ever experienced anything this bad myself) Whether it's a squirrel you've run over or mental issues, getting it out and talking about it has to help.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Carol Cashes

7 Years Ago

It is very frightening to experience what many professionals have defined as an "anxiety attack". T.. read more
Samuel Dickens

7 Years Ago

I believe I had a panic attack once, about 1980. As if someone else had seized control of my brain, .. read more
Carol Cashes

7 Years Ago

*laughing* Yup. Now imagine that lasting more than five minutes and happening without warning more.. read more
"An endless roar of her"-stellar! Beautifully written account of the invisible prison of mental illness. Hallucinations, delusions, distortions-"the mouths"-that are the chains binding the protagonist. Amazing, frightening imagery. Unbearable suffering and stigma. We hope she gets the help she needs, and the mouths are silenced forever...

Posted 7 Years Ago

Carol Cashes

7 Years Ago

You are such a sweet (and I NEVER use that word lightly) soul. If your avatar is your pic, it even .. read more
Annette Pisano-Higley

7 Years Ago

Ha! You are Sweet (!) & so genuine & funny! Thanks for the touching words! Yup- picture is of my dog.. read more
Carol Cashes

7 Years Ago

My guardian angel sits on the edge of my bed, smoking, and when I wake up, she just sighs...and says.. read more
This truly is powerful and reminds me of the few times I suffered panic attack, without knowing and a few after I understood my condition, but of course, many thought I was being childish or selfish...Yet I never let that deter me.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Hahaha yeah you know you are right whatever works best, is good to do.
Carol Cashes

7 Years Ago

Yeah, screaming creative obscenities to other drivers who can't hear me or result in any repercussio.. read more

7 Years Ago

That is a good one, I might use it in the future.

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9 Reviews
Added on June 8, 2017
Last Updated on December 31, 2018


Carol Cashes
Carol Cashes

Biloxi, MS

I'm very cynical, jaded, just this side of bitter and the only reason I haven't crossed that line is a good man loves me. I am extremely empathetic, but seldom sympathetic. I can be a ferociously lo.. more..


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