I am the Devil in disguise.
With brown hair and hazel eyes.
I tell the truth, but tell you lies.
Make up truths with alibis.
I'll break you, make you reel in pain.
When it is over, I'll do it again.
I'll plan for months in advance.
When you're hurting is when I dance.
See me coming, see you sweat.
I'll make you a losing bet.
I'll take your soul and steal your dreams.
I'll take it all, it belongs to me.
I'm everybody you ever knew.
Trust me fully, but don't trust me too.
I 'll give you my best, or the best of the worst.
Turn on me and I'll have you cursed.
I'm sent from Heaven, with a guidebook from Hell.
I now how to do good things as well.
Just good isn't as fun as it should be.
That's why I'm the Devil; you see.
If it's true that the good die young.
Then I'm gonna outlive the burning sun.
I'm charming and innocent as the day is long.
But remember too about the setting sun.
Night time comes and the moon does rise.
Then it's time to come alive.
Those who feed me and do me well,
See the pleasures in life and don't see Hell.
Those who screw me and leave me to die.
Will always see my nasty side.
Make your decision, this is your choice.
My words are spoken, with my true voice.