Stone Sour’s 'Through Glass' eases its way into the
stillness of the night, awakening me from a serenity that can only be found in
dreams. Emptiness fills me to the depth of my soul, as I lie here in a room so
full of everything that was you. I finally understand why it was your favorite
song, why it kept echoing in my head as you teetered on the edge of
consciousness, hovering between this life and what lies beyond. Beckoning to
me, demanding to be played at your bedside while I held your hand, and watched
the monitor as your heartbeat slowed then cease to exist. I am now the one
looking through the glass. I have no sense of time, or space, or reason, unable
to see past these four walls filled with everything we once were.
in the stillness of a space where joy no longer exists, a place where only
hopelessness and isolation resonates within the void left by your death. I lay
in the dark surrounded by the memory of you, desperately longing for your
essence that once occupied this space. The laughter, the tears, the fights, the
making up, the snoring that kept me up at night. The pain in my chest makes it
hard to breathe. I sit up, reaching for your pillow, holding it to my face,
stifling my screams of despair, fear, loneliness, anger, grief, self-pity, and
utter helplessness. I call to you, begging for you to wake me up from this
nightmare I now call my life. I wait for your voice to break through the
silence, telling me that everything is going to be okay, urging me to accept
the unacceptable.
reach for your wedding ring that now lay against my breast, next to my heart. I
close my eyes, and I wait in the silence. I wait for the lyrics to ‘Through
Glass’ to find their way back into the chaos that occupies my mind. As the
words begin to play in my head, I feel my troubled soul begin to ease, and I am
lulled back to sleep. My dreams are once more filled with memories of you, and
I am finally at peace in a space that once again is filled with everything that
is you.