The Stranger

The Stranger

A Story by cariz

Chacter named fiona life is in danger when she mets a mysterious man in her workplace.



I just stood there silently with no expression on my pale face. As I shakily open, the letter with my fingertips. All of sudden the hair on the back of my neck stood up and my whole body felt really cold. My gut instinct told me it was from him that evil slimly man. He is plaguing me to meet him for coffee. Now I sit here wondering if I ever get out from what use to be my home is now a prison. I’ve become trapped in my home for weeks now , night time scares me most  with every little movement heard makes my body jump like a frighten cat .

As soon as I got the letter opened and scanned the top part of the page, I realised it was from him. He always had neat written, neater than mine. As my heat started to pound hard against my skin as I continue to read the letter ….


My name is Fiona Taylor I am twenty one years old and five foot four inches tall with emerald green eyes and light brown hair. I have a slim figure, which my friends would always say how they were jealous of my figure , to this day I don’t know if that is good thing or not . I use to be a bubbly character and very outgoing. Now all I do is sit at home facing eviction due to bills not been in paid. Little do they know it’s not my fault? Oh how I wish he just leave me alone for once, he said he’d leave me alone if I re-paid him a favour. I did that favour and regretted every minute of that favour and now he still haunts me to this day. It all started when I got the job as shop assistant at a local shop. Was handy for me as I couldn’t drive anywhere and was only ten minutes away. Plus I knew shop keeper very well, has been a family friend for many years.  Until that day he showed up I remember that day so well, who wouldn’t it would have changed any ones fate and it has changed my mines forever.

It started off a very strange day; the weather was thunder and lighting. It was Very odd for, summer weather in Scotland.  I was casually distracted putting price labels on food tins.  When I heard this sharp crisp voice saying hello, spun around so fast, like I was on some sort of amusement ride. That’s what caught me at first was how ice blue his eyes were never seen anybody’s eyes the way his were. I was in a daze staring at his eyes, when he smiled sinister at me. I felt confused and excited at same time, I knew he was danger but thrill of it made me want to get to know him.

I coyly said hello back as I looked to ground I noticed his clothes where a bit too old for him more like what my granddad wore than what a man who looked about same ages as me should wear .

He seemed noticed what I was looking at, and nervously said he was studying drama at college and was in a play and explained he just nipped out to buy a snack. I foolishly believed him we swapped details with each other. As disapproving Mr Finch looked at us. I knew then that there was something odd with this mysterious man that walked into shop. As Mr Finch did not give disapproving looks often unless he had good reason too, yet all he said to me was be careful if I do decided to meet this guy again. I knew Mr Finch knew something that he was not going tell me, after all he been part of my family for years. Yet for some reason I did not want find out what that was for I wanted find out myself. Little did I know what danger I was going get myself into? As the man left the shopped all I wonder was when he was going call.


The next day I was getting ready for work, brushing my hair putting make up on in a frantic mess. As I heard my mailbox go, which I thought was really weird. Considering the mail man doesn’t normally post anything until after twelve. So I quickly ran down stairs in case it was my granddad knocking. He suffers from dementia and gets confused where he lives.  Only it turned out be a letter poking through the letter box with sharp neat red written on it. For some odd reason I seemed nervous to go near my letterbox something was telling not go near the letterbox. Yet I slowly made my way closer and closer to letterbox until my fingers where just inches away from the letter.

As I held the letter in my hands I noticed it was rather heavy for small letter. As I opened it my heart began beat that little bit faster.  As I start read the letter I realise who it is from …

Dear shop girl,

We met the other day in the shop you work in. You have personally never met me before as I was too shy to approach you at first. When I first looked into your emerald green eyes, I was gobsmacked at how beautiful they were. Never seen anything so pretty before, or the way your hair bounces in sun light. I know you just got this letter so might sound little hasty to ask but I’d like it if you met me in coffee shop across the road from your work . For I’d really like get know you.

Yours sincerely,


Well I was stumped, I wasn’t expecting him to get in touch by letter, I hadn’t even given him an address just my mobile number. So I was puzzled at how he knew my address felt little chill go up my spin at thought about it to be honest but I chose to ignore the message that my brain was trying tell me instead went with what my heart was telling me to do so in the end . I decided on my lunch break nip over to the coffee shop.


You seem distracted today” said Mr Finch worryingly.

I’m fine just got something on my mind that’s all” I said quietly.

Hmm” said Mr Finch as he walked away to the back of the shop.

I nervously kept counting down the hours and minutes to lunchtime, peeking over to the coffee shop without raising suspicion to Mr Finch. To see if I can see him, approach the coffee shop. When the little handle on the clock reached five to one I asked Mr Finch if I can go on my break.

You never normally ask to go on your break…. feeling bit under the weather?” quizzed Mr Finch.

Yeah a little bit to be honest plus I never been to that coffee shop, before and want try it out would you like me bring you a coffee back?” I asked.

No thank you Fiona you go and get a rest, just make sure you are back for two o’clock” Mr Finch said and returned to his paperwork.

As I put on my jacket I felt little buzz come from my stomach as I stepped out the shop and headed straight to the coffee shop.

Silly girl is going get herself killed” murmured Mr Finch under his breath.

As I walked closer to the coffee shop, I thought I was going to faint to be honest with fear. Don’t know what it was that made me feel so fearful to go into this coffee shop but something felt wrong. The way Mr Finch looked at the stranger wary look. Made me wonder if this guy was bad news plus fact he somehow found out my address.  As I put my finger tips to the door to turn the handle, I notice that handle was bit too much dusty be in use though sign read open. I began wonder if this coffee shop was still in use. Though was sure I saw someone entre this morning who happened look like a customer. I took deep breath before I entered like it was my last breath I’d ever breathe outside again.

 It took  couple of minutes for my eyes to adjust to the surroundings it was very dull and dark  , not much light apart from faint   gap in curtains  let a stream of light enter the room .

Dust everywhere I looked and broken glass. My first thought was he set me up felt like a right fool. But something told me keep looking around the abandoned coffee shop. As I began search around the room I stumbled onto few newspapers dated about fifty centuries ago. As I scanned the newspaper, shock took over my trembled body. No way is that Adam in picture, he be dead according to this newspaper. As I continued to read into the article about Adam I became more scared each minute pasted.  Other picture of Adam showed him more of what he was wearing and its same clothes he wore yesterday. This can’t be, got be logical explanation for this, maybe he wore his grandfather’s clothes and he has same features as his granddad. Then as I read into the article something more sinister about this guy called Adam I hear a loud thud and harrowing scream come from within the building. .

My heart told me to get out of the shop and run as fast as I could, but my head told me linger and find out where that painful scream came from …. As I slowly tipped �"toed carefully to the other side of room where a rusty old door stood.  My trembling finger tips barely scratching surface of the door handle when suddenly at corner of my eye, hand hit my left side of my head. My body fell like a tree that had been cut down with such a force to the ground, felt like ground shook a little. Then darkness slowly crept up on me and until I could no longer function or think properly for I blacked out.

As I started come around slowly my focus in my eyes still quite fuzzy managed make out few outline of objects nearby but because my eyes were out of focus still couldn’t exactly make out what they where . So many thoughts where going through my head was hard keep up I couldn’t think straight. Surprisingly my sense of smell picked up a lot and for some odd reason I could smell very strong odour coming from the room which smelt of mix between rotten cheese and damp moist hairy dog. Then the little tiny hairs on back my neck raised up and soon realised I was not alone in this room ……..

© 2012 cariz

Author's Note

This is only outline of the story would love feedback be much apperciated lots .

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Loved the rotten cheese hairy dog thing haha!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 13, 2012
Last Updated on February 13, 2012



United Kingdom

Hi names cariz love reading and writting in my spare time :) more..

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