The Fall

The Fall

A Poem by Cari Kinz

Not the season, but rather an... event.


He was brought in chains.

Their gold, pale against his Light.

Smug smile for he knew the reason

Arrogant in spite of his plight.


“You know the crimes You have committed.

The oath You have sworn is torn

What say You to Me now, Light Bearer?

What say You; to who’s service You were born?”


The Light smiled again, ruffled His wings unconcerned.

All who saw Him were enraptured, His beauty knew no bounds.

He spoke not a word of apology, not a plea not a prayer.

The far off sad melodies of harps were the scene’s only sounds.


“I ask again for Your words.” Came the hard command.

“Why have You forsaken Me, You who lights the dark?

You, who are the most beautiful of beautiful forms,

You have broken this Father’s heart.”


The Light stood very straight and tall,

His proud head would not be bowed.

“I lead and they follow.”  He said softly.

The cheering of the great horde behind Him was loud.


The air was rent with sorrowful cries,

Friends looked on with bright tears

But The Light could not be shamed

His followers had only cheers.


“The penalty is known to You.” Came the anguished sigh.

“Cast out, cast down. You will fly no more.

Wings clipped, to become what You once drove away.

 No more will You be allowed to soar.”


Still The Light would not be bent.

“Ask me again, ask three times by seven.

The punishment is still one I will bear.

For it is better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven”

© 2011 Cari Kinz

Author's Note

Cari Kinz
It is what it is. I hope you enjoy it.

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Added on July 19, 2011
Last Updated on July 19, 2011


Cari Kinz
Cari Kinz

If you want to know what I think about just about anything, visit my journal at "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the mo.. more..

Heartache Heartache

A Poem by Cari Kinz