Can I put the leaders of the world on trial,
Force them to climb down
from their ashened pedastals
and confess the wrongs
they have done to my world,
in the name of
Politics, Profit, Power and Control?
Can I stand as judge, jury and executioner,
to the godless hypocrites who have lost control
of their compassion
and sold out to vanity?
Can I set literal traps for them
as they skulk their verminous paths,
under the guise of philanthropy?
Can I?
Give me the eloquence
to prise loose their hold,
over the trusting flock,
to rescind their crippling pursuit of
the demon of wealth,
to nullify their overwhelming greed and
halt the creeping fungus of deceit
that threatens to obliterate
all hope and human optimism
to a vague electric memory?
Can I try,
with the power of a keyboard pen,
to eradicate the subversive and self-serving,
to rectify all the evils they have done
as they
steal the future from our children,
whilst they
gouge more riches
from the bowels of our planet
and astound the dispossessed
with their bottomless avarice?
Would I clamber
to the highest mountaintop
and shout my unceasing anger to the heavens,
and if I did,
would it make a difference?