![]() 14.) Back to NormalA Chapter by careyXcarnageOne good thing to come out of my dream-like state of life was that my social-life had gone to s**t. With that, my academics had skyrocketed. My GPA was 4.0 in my second year of community college. I was about to do my transfer so I could go to university to become...what had I chosen to do with my life? I couldn't remember. Oh well. I looked across the courtyard at the playground of the preschool/daycare for the women and men who came to this college that had children. They took care of them for free there, so it was a godsend for people who were strapped for cash. The swings swung idly and a beautifl girl with black shaggy hair and skin as pale as a vampire's was playing in the sandbox with a two year old. I was captivated by her familiar beauty. I gazed at her, for what seemed like at least an hour, and drowsily lumbered toward her. When I got to the fence, I grabbed on to it hard enough to make my hands ache, and beg for just a moments rest. I knew this girl. It was Mitchie. I had an achey feeling in my stomach and felt a cold tangy fluid fill my mouth. I spit it out, and all that came was a little white pellet, like when you spit on a hot day, except it was sixty degrees outside. I whispered shakily, "Mitchie. Mitchie, I...Wow, your beautiful." but she didn't hear me. I couldn't breathe. I was gasping, and my vision faded to blackness. I felt something hard under me, and I lost conciousness. I woke up in a hospital bed, and I smelled Vanilla-Vamille in the room, I was smothered with it. I smiled weakly. "Mitchie?....Mitchie, are you there?" I said harshly, my throat scratchy and dry. "Yes sweetie? What's wrong? Do you need water? Here." She said it quickly, way too rushed with worry, and came over with a bottle of the only bottled water I will drink. She looked eighteen again, like we were in our senior year of high school, like when we started dating. "What's that about? You remembered my water? And your calling me sweetie?" I smiled. "Things are back to normal?" "What do you mean back to normal? You passed out outside my window, so I drove you to the hospital. Are you okay? NURSE!" She looked luminous and young. Glowing with affection for me. A male nurse rushed into the room, and I put my head back onto the pillow and I drifted off again. © 2009 careyXcarnageAuthor's Note
Added on February 2, 2009 Author