An Untamable Beast

An Untamable Beast

A Story by Pseudonym Mindless

A story I wrote on a plane, looking at the stereotypical dark.

        Once there were great facilities for holding creatures of all sorts, and society called them"stables." Within them there were several smaller sections for each type of creature, and then even smaller individual feels for the creatures. A caretaker was assigned to each cell, so that the creature inside might have everything it needed to survive: Water, food, exercise, and training so that the creature may one day be beneficial to society. For years, a single stable was known to be the best out of all at producing useful creatures, and so whenever a smaller, less adept stable determined a creature to be a beast, it was sent to the Stable.
      One day, the head caretaker who oversaw the placement of beasts received an interesting call from a man outside in the Wilderness. The man said he had found two young creatures, not yet full grown, one with fur as dark as night and one with fur as golden as the sun, and that their mother Beast had died of some unknown cause. The head caretaker, suspicious, sent a scout with a tandem Beast trailer out to the location that the man had said he found the two young creatures. To his surprise, there were indeed two young creatures, snared by a rope and dangling helplessly from a tree, long ago giving up on trying to escape. The scout first approached the one covered solely in black, skepticism and fear in his heart, and outstretched his hand, but the creature only snapped its long, toothy jaws towards the scout, who quickly took a step backwards.
        "This is no creature!" The scout exclaimed, rubbing his wrist uncomfortably, "This thing of darkness is already a Beast, corrupted by its beastly mother!"
         The man, who had snared the two, began to blabber like a fool, "No sir, no sir, he's still young not a beast yet... Not a beast I swear! He- he just- he must have-" The man hesitated waving his hands around wildly, "You must take him! Try his brother!"
         Reluctantly, the scout stepped towards the golden brother, and as he stretched out his hand the creature did not move, but idly accepted the hand of the scout. The scout smiled, and growing comfortable with the creature, began to stroke up and down its body, as though caressing a sweet child. All the while, just behind him, he could feel the cold glare of the Beast, it's eyes melting through his ragged shirt, digging into his spine...
         "Very well, I'll take both." The scout turned towards the man.
          The man himself was the picture of joy as he moved to take the scouts hand, "Yes, oh yea, thank you so very much, sir. Thank you, thank you!"
          The scout placed both the dark Beast and the golden creature into small cells called cages, and then hooked them into the Beast trailer. Upon the scouts return, the Head Caretaker took a single look at the two brothers and scoffed,"We cannot take both of these creatures! Why, they are Diahcal, the most heinous of beasts!"
          The scout sighed, and shook his head, "I am aware, sir, but the golden one is sweet as the sun's warming touch and accepts the hand as though he were born to it." He pauses, looking suddenly towards the darker one, who did not fight but continued to give its cold glare to the scout, "The other was simply a part of the deal. We take the Beast, and the creature comes for free."
          The Head Caretaker still seemed uncertain, but reluctantly accepted the scouts judgement, "Very well, place the golden one with the other young creatures, and the dark one with the other Beasts."
          As it happened, the golden creature was highly requested among caretakers and loved by all. It trained quickly, and very soon it was ready to help society. The dark creature, however, bounced from caretaker to caretaker is it grew larger and larger until it was a full grown Beast, even larger than its brother. No one dared to near it, and the Head Caretaker was forced to consider an act he had never had to preform before, an Execution.
           One day, on a tour of facilities given by the Stable, a young boy gripped by curiosity slipped away from the group and sneaked into the isle of Beasts. Around him, sleeping creatures awoke and walked to the front of their cells to get a look at the strange sight. All of them were silent. In perhaps a stroke of fate, the boy found himself strangely alluded to a large creature who appeared as shadowy and elusive as the night. Perhaps it was the fact that the Beast was there at all that caught his eye, as it seemed so strange that something so strong, powerful and secretive could ever be caught in the first place. The boy, drawn to the mystique, took brave steps forward, and in his heart all he craved was knowledge and joy. His eyes did not speak fear. He approached the cell, and stretched out his hand.
          At that moment, he heard the tour guide scream at him, but he did not make out the sheer volume of the voice or the words the tour guide said, the boy was far too focused on the Beast. The Beast, in return, did not growl or snap, but it did not remain idle as the other creatures had once done to accept their slavery. Instead, it reached its massive, fox-like head forward to meet the boys hand, and even nuzzle  into it. The tour guide, astonished, stopped and reached for his radio.
         "Sir, Head Caretaker, you need to come see this." His voice was exasperated, and his breaths came heavy and quick for he had just been running, "The dark Beast's cell, it is calmed."
          The boy didn't turn his head from the beast until the Head Caretaker arrived, and called out his name a couple of times. When he did turn, his eyes knew a sort of Wild freedom, of which there was no civil explanation. His mouth opened, and his lips moved, but for a few seconds he could not speak.
          "You've hurt him," Was all he could say.
           The Head Caretaker shook his head, crouching down a little bit, "No we have not, it has hurt us. It has hurt many caretakers, and is untrainable. It will hurt you."
           The boy shook his head, "No he won't, he's not scared of me."
           Perplexed, the Head Caretaker had to take a moment, before he came up with a reasonable explanation: imagination, "Boy, it does not have emotions, it has no fear. It is untrainable, and is facing Execution soon."
           The boy turned towards the Beast, and for a moment it appeared as though they were silently conversing about a dreaded topic, as both of their expressions changed intermittently. Finally, the boy turned back towards the Head Caretaker, "I'll be his caretaker, I'll train him."
           "I'm sorry that-" The Head Caretaker scoffed, shaking his head, "Thats just not-"
           "Let me try." The boy turned his Wild, sorrowful eyes towards the Head Caretaker.
           And so, the Head Caretaker agreed to let the boy try to train the Beast, so long as another caretaker was watching the proceedings. The day after, the Beasts training began, but it did not look like the training of any other creature. It began solely with the boy sitting in the cell with the Beast, watching it, and the Beast sitting and watching the boy. It began as a respectful stalemate. Many days after that were similar, and each day the boy seemed to grow more Wild and the Beast more calm. Finally, three years later, the boy touched the Beast for the first time since their meeting. Both shut their eyes. A certain electric pulse seemed to vibrate through the air, and the rest of the world fell silent and still around the duo. After a couple of minutes with no movement, a small smile twitched upon the lips of the boy, and the world slowly began to move again. Although sessions were supposed to end at night, the boy remained there, touching the Beast, until well beyond sunset, well beyond the fall of lights on the Stable, when all was dark and still. The over watching caretaker had long since retired to his quarters, believing that none would dare to venture out into the darkness, and knowing that the Beast would do no harm to the boy.
          However, both the boy and the Beast knew the darkness well. They had shared their mind, and completely understood each other. Each knew what needed to be done in order for the untamable Beast to once more be calm. They had known society would never accept the Wild now coursing through the blood of each, and that when society finally understood what training the Beast had undergone they would fear it too much, and both would be contained within cells, far, far apart. And so, the boy and the Beast escaped, the boy mounted upon the Beasts back, who seemed to blend in with the nightly shadows. Ghost-like, it no longer had footsteps or pawl rings, and to an observer it may have appeared to float over the land. Soon, both were encompassed by the Wilderness, where they each screamed out their cries, finally free from the binds of society.
         It was said that the boy and the Beast would make reappearances, rescuing creatures who dared defy the Stable long enough to be posted for Execution. One time, even, the boy, now an aging man, returned to a small village on the edge of society,  where he sat beneath a tree for two months, before two twins approached him, a girl and a boy. Within their eyes they heals only curiosity, there was no fear in their eyes. The pair were not seen again, except in phantom stories, when long beyond their expected life they returned to bring more wild children out of the binds of society.

© 2016 Pseudonym Mindless

Author's Note

Pseudonym Mindless
The ending is a bit abrupt and I am aware of that. The airplane was landing when I was finishing it up, and I have not gone back to edit it.

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Added on July 1, 2016
Last Updated on July 1, 2016


Pseudonym Mindless
Pseudonym Mindless

"Anybody remotely interesting is mad, in some way or another." – Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor) I am just a girl, exploring the world around me as well as the one within me. What I write is ins.. more..
