Hi Cappi. This is very dark and ominous and says a lot, to me, about futility and insignificance in the gauntlet, the 'humbling process' I call it sometimes, of life. It felt that the person in the story was simply working away until it was their turn to die, which isn't too far from the truth, (especially in mind of current affairs such as recessions, debt and working more to pay off someone elses- ie, government/corporate- debt), but on a personal level it spoke of a kind of 'existential angst'- the belief that there is no purpose in living, no fate or destiny to guide us, just one shot and that's it, bones,and dust. In those terms this made me wanna run out the house and start living asap!
It also reminded me of the old adage about 'everyone dies alone and could also be looked at as a suicidal thought process, lots to think about, good work, take care, spence
I Like reading poetry that inspires me to question all aspects of life, including my own. I really loved this poem because I can look at your words and see myself, every word has it's own mirror and it's actually haunting to see what i've become and whats in store. BUT!! Like you I find a safe haven in every poem I write and It's nice to have a place to hide.
"who's body has turned to bones". This line could be a metaphor, for the protagonist losing all sense of feeling, or love? Or, that her will to live has died, or is as lifeless as "bones"?
The sad concepts of being alone, distant from love and a dire suggestion that the protagonist feels on the brink of death. Interestingly, the writer has reversed the perspective, in a way which shows the writer gazing at her own sorry corpse. Indeed, the writer shares the feelings and emotions, which pass through the mind of a doomed onlooker.
As other reviews have said, this is obviously a very dark piece of writing. It brought to my mind, both hopelessness, desperation and a sense that life can sometimes seem like a monotonous journey to death.
Thankyou, Cappi. Such a tragic and personal poem, yet more than welcome in my Group, "Twilight's Disciples".....
Hi Cappi. This is very dark and ominous and says a lot, to me, about futility and insignificance in the gauntlet, the 'humbling process' I call it sometimes, of life. It felt that the person in the story was simply working away until it was their turn to die, which isn't too far from the truth, (especially in mind of current affairs such as recessions, debt and working more to pay off someone elses- ie, government/corporate- debt), but on a personal level it spoke of a kind of 'existential angst'- the belief that there is no purpose in living, no fate or destiny to guide us, just one shot and that's it, bones,and dust. In those terms this made me wanna run out the house and start living asap!
It also reminded me of the old adage about 'everyone dies alone and could also be looked at as a suicidal thought process, lots to think about, good work, take care, spence
Name: Ama may cooper
Current age(when joined):16
Sex: female
Age now: 27
I am merely a being, treading softly on these foreign lands. I am no great individual, no wise king or beautiful temptres.. more..