Chapter 4: Devising a Scheme

Chapter 4: Devising a Scheme

A Chapter by she who must not be named

R�verna trapped once again in her memory nightmare. What happens in the camp of Air�?


"No, NO!" I moaned as the dreams came rushing towards me.

"Ssso. You powerless, weak, foolsss thought you could ssstand up to my powerful magiciansss. Didn’t you?" Drucank had a soft slippery voice, almost that of a snake. It was dawn, the magician had already put spells on all the town’s magicians that had survived and all of us were kneeling in front of the leader of Airé. We could not hope to escape, for our hands were bound and, behind each and everyone one of us, there was a guard complete with a spear and sword.

"Yes. We did." I spoke with venom in my voice. All that did was earn my a very powerful kick and slap in the head and Firénada quickly whispering, "Réverna!".

"Yesss, you are very brave. Perhapsss, though, you may want to lissten to your friend here," He nodded toward the guard behind Firénada, who immediately kicked her. I thought I heard a squeak of pain but decided it was my imagination.

"Anywayss, I’ve brought you here ssso I could put you under my ssservisse*. You are all a lot better than all the lowly people in your ssso-called-village who can’t use magic." He chuckled and continued. I did not listen.I saw the magician who placed the spell on us. I thought back to what my father said about spells.

Réverna. I am about to tell you something important, so listen carefully. Once a magician has put a spell on you, there are only four ways to undo it. Counter it with your own spell, which won’t be much use if the magician is stronger than you, or has placed a spell that does not allow you to do magic. You can plead and beg him or her to lift the spell or you can kill yourself.

I remember asking,

He had closed his eyes and replied,

Back then I had thought that I would never have to do that. But now, looking at that magician, I had no choice. Obviously I couldn’t counter it, pleading would be useless and killing myself would benefit none of the others. The next thing I knew I was on the floor with my head throbbing where the solider had hit me with the dull end of the spear. He yanked my hair, pulling me up.

"Pay attention girl," Drucank’s tone mocking."I think you might need extra eyesss to look after you. You’ll be working with me." I looked at him, hopes dropping. The solider dragged me by the hair to Drucank. He pulled out a leg iron, clamped one to the throne where Drucank was sitting, and one on my left leg. I hated him, more than I’ve ever hated anyone before. How was I supposed to get the villigers free with HIM watching me?

"Oh, don’t look ssso worried,"Drucank said, in a sweet, mocking voice. "I’m sure we’ll have lotsss of fun together!" I glared at him. "Anywaysss, with that sssolved, I’ll have to ssseperate sssome of you.We don’t want any essscapesss, do we?"

* * *


"Oh, Réverna?" called Drucank in a singsong voice.

"Yes?" I answered, through my teeth.

"Yesss who?"

"Yes, Lord Drucank," I

"Better. Won’t you go prepare me a meal? Complete with pudding, pleassse,"

"Yes, Lord Drucank," Why, why,

I reached the cook tent and my heart sank.

"Hello, pretty. Remember me?" Fat One was smiling down at me. "I’m t’make sure ya don’t run away." His breath stinked of alcohol and his words slurred together. Maybe I could escape from this drunk man. "C’mon. Watcha waitin’ for? Get ta work!" I slowly started preparing Drucank’s meal. I decided to put some effort into, to buy me some time. As I started fixing the chicken I had a stroke of inspiration.

"If I may be bold, sir, may I inquire your name?" I asked, batting my eyelashes.

"Well, I guess a name couldn t’hurt," he said, blushing. "T’name’s Stiup."

"Stiup? That’s a nice name," I said, half shyly.

"Nah, ‘course not," although his tone suggested that he thought otherwise. I gave him my best smile and returned to the chicken. I grinned, thinking this would be easy.

I was almost done the meal. I was starting to work on the very important pudding. After flirting with Stiup, I set my plan in motion.



"I was wondering… oh never mind you’ll never agree," I shoke my head and returned to the pudding.

"Wat? Nah, I’ll be glad ta help," Stiup answered quickly--- as I expected.

"Oh… all right," I pause and toke a deep breath. "I’m almost done and I…"


"I was wondering if you could arrange a meeting with the magician that cast the spell over me."

"Oh," he said, disappointed.

"To cast a spell that hard, he must be a great magician," I lied. That spell was one of the easiest spell that someone could learn. In fact, we would cast the spell on each other as pranks, back at Pécé.

"Well…" Stiup hesitated to answer, knowing it might get him into trouble.

"Please?" I cocked my head and smiled. It apparently did the trick.

"Well… fine," he agreed, succumbing to my charm.

"Thank you!" I flung my arms around him, and let go. I was repulsed in doing that, but that probably secured my request. Stiup looked surprised then grinned. I turned back to my pudding. I fingered the stolen knife in my pocket.

* * *


Stiup escorted me back to Drucank’s tent. He left me there and I called him back.


"Don’t forget your little promise, now. Would you?" I whispered, pretending to look worried.

"Don’t ta worry! I’ll remember!" he winked and left.

"Lord Drucank! Réverna bringing your dinner!"

"Yesss, yesss. Come in," called Drucank, impatiently.

I entered, and put the tray of food down on the heavily decorated table. Drucank strode up to me , held up a filthy hand and slapped me. It was so unexpected, I stumbled back and fell on the ground. He yanked my hair and pulled me up to eye level. "What took you ssso long?" When I didn’t answer, he slapped me again. He let go of my hair, released my right foot and clamped that iron on the throne. He began eating my heavily prepared meal, and I could tell from his face that he enjoyed it. He clearly regretted slapping me. My observations were comfirmed when he finished his dinner.

"Well, well. Our little elf isss quite the cook. Maybe you sshould make all my mealsss," he whispered in my ear. I recoiled, disgusted. He laughed. "Good night, Réverna," he breathed and strode out. I was clearly supposed to spend the night in the tent, clamped to the throne. I reached into my pocket and gripped the handle of the knife. I felt safer with my concealed weapon. I close my eyes and I sleep.

‘corrected’.WHY did I have to be Drucank’s personal servant? But… going to the cook tent would provide me temporairily relieve me of Drucank. I couldn’t escape while I’m going. There are too many guards watching. The cook tent might be empty of guards. There would be cooks but they won’t try to stop me. It wasn’t to hard holding back a spring in my step. I had heavy leg irons on.

I wake up to find myself not clamped to a throne but on a cot, staring at the remnats of my fire. I look up to try to stop the tears from coming. It was so vivid this time.

Oh, dear Réverna. Promise me you won’t use this method unless circumstances force you. I had nodded and he continued. You can kill them.
What about the fourth way?

© 2009 she who must not be named

Author's Note

she who must not be named
Ok, before you jump on SPELLING ERRORS, COMMAS and other stuff, let me say this: I KNOW there are COMMA ERRORS and SPELLING ERRORS but I need to update.

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Added on July 28, 2009


she who must not be named
she who must not be named


Name: Keep guessing!!! Age: As IF!!! I'll tell you, I'm not old enough to retire!! Why I'm here: Originally, I was here to read my friend's story, but I've decided to try writing for a change. I kin.. more..
