![]() Vampire GamesA Story by Jack Dawkins![]() Immortal vamps have lovers spat.![]() Lazlo sat watching the super bowl highlights on one
of the flat screen TVs’ over the bar. As he lifted the Stella to his lips he
happened to see in the mirror, something that caused every hair on his body to
stand on end and chilled him to the very core of his being. He started to
shiver so badly that he had to clamp his jaw shut to keep his teeth from
chattering. He put his beer back on the bar top and turned slowly to look at
the tall sallow faced man sitting beside him. “ The last time I saw you, you were dead!” “The last time I saw you, you had a gun in your
hand and murder in your eyes.” The thin man replied. “I shot you, two times in the heart. You were dead,
I checked.” Lazlo wanted to jump up and make a run for it but he knew his legs
would sabotage him. “You were dead,” he repeated. “That’s right. Bang Bang, you shot me down. Bang
bang, I hit the ground and I lay there starring up at your fat, ugly face.” “So…if I shot you, how come you are sitting next to
me now?” The bartender appeared in front of them; “What can
I get you Mister?” “I’ll have a Bloody Mary, hold the salt and get my
neighbor here another beer, on second thought he looks like he could use
something stronger, better make it a double brandy. The good stuff, Hennessy V.S,
nothings too good for the “Killer.” “If I killed you, why are you still alive?” “Because, I’m immortal, you can’t kill me, but that
doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt when I die. It burns like a b***h when I
regenerate my body. I want to rip your arm off and beat your brains out right
now for putting me through that.” “You’re immortal, as in a Zombie. You’re a Zombie?” “Do I look like a Zombie to you, nimrod? Look at
me, I’m a perfect specimen. I’m beautiful. I’m immortal as in…I vaant to suck
your blood.” “You’re a Vampire? She didn’t tell me that. If I
had known that I would have used silver bullets or an ash stake or something. I
mean…you know if I had been better informed and I was really serious about you
staying dead I would have came better prepared.” “Oh, so now your trying to tell me that you weren’t
all that serious. Two bullets to the heart was just a warning. Besides you
watch too many Horror flicks, silver bullets, ash stakes don’t work and garlic
just adds a bit of flavor to the meal so I recommend that you eat as much as
possible. Your not a Vegan are you? I hate vegans, t’s like drinking low fat
milk or worse soyamilk.” The bartender arrived with the drinks. Vincent the
vampire handed him a fifty and asked him to send another round over to the
booth at the back. We’ll be over there. “Keep the change.” He said. “There is no change; in fact you’re paying his bar
tab as well you still owe another fourteen dollars.” Said the fake smile behind
the bar.” “Holy crap! The place isn’t that posh. There’s not
even a piano man. Vincent handed over another twenty, it’s only money, not like
it’s blood or anything, he said” He rose from his stool and made for the back
booth. “Come on “Killer” we’re not done talking yet.” When they were seated in
the booth, he looked across the table at Lazlo. “That’s what you are, right, a
hit-man, a hired gun, an assassin? You don’t have to answer that, just tell me
who hired you.” “I can’t tell you that. If I say anything, I’m
dead.” Lazlo replied. “Fatman you’re already dead. The only thing that
remains to be settled is how much pain you are going to go through before you
die. Quick and easy or long and slow, those are your only two choices at the
moment.” “Are you going to turn me into a Vampire?” “God no, you’re too ugly. Only beautiful people
become Vampires. Have you seen any homely Vampires in those movies you watch?
No wait…There’s probably plenty of ugly vampires in those movies, but in real
life do you honestly think that I would choose a homely person to spend an
eternity with? Now tell me, who hired you?” “I owed a ton of money to a bookie on the east side
and…” “How much is a ton. How much was my head worth?” “A little over 10K, give or take a few thousand.”
Lazlo replied. “!0K, that’s it? That’s all my life was worth to
somebody. Who is this guy anyway? I don’t know any bookies on the East side.” “It wasn’t him, someone paid out my debt and I
became beholden to her.” “Her! Some woman hired you to kill me? Now you
really have my interest. Who is she Lazlo, remember I can hurt you a whole lot
more then she can.” “I don’t know her name. I was made to get in the
back of this old black Ro;ller. She was dressed all in black with this big wide
brimmed hat with a lace veil draped over. I didn’t see her face but she had
this huge Asian bodyguard whom she said would fold me into an origami bunny if I
didn’t do what she said. She obviously didn’t know you were immortal.” Vincent turned whiter then white. He was already on
the pale side being a Vamp but now he looked like a Donatella statue, that
B***h he thought. She knew full well that I was an immortal because she is my
eternal bride. She must have found out that I had a little plaything on the
side and decided to teach me a lesson. “Lazlo my good man this is your lucky day because a
third option just presented itself to me. All you have to do is put a full clip
of hollow point 9mm bullets in that lady and you’re a free man. Your debt to me
is paid and by shooting me your debt to her was paid, so like I said, you’ll be
a free man.” That is until she catches up with you he thought. “Don’t worry I
know where she lives. I’ll set it up for you.” “What about the bodyguard?” Lazlo said. “Don’t worry about the bodyguard, I know someone
who lives in her mansion on the hill. The body guard will be otherwise
pre-occupied, just remember I want you to empty the clip and put a couple
through her veil. I’ll even give you ten thousand getaway money.” Vincent said,
but thinking, he might as well make it difficult for her to find you. He also
tried to imagine Lazlo as an origami bunny. © 2013 Jack DawkinsReviews
4 Reviews Added on February 7, 2013 Last Updated on February 7, 2013 AuthorJack DawkinsCanadaAboutI am invisible and I am invisible because that is what I set out to be, even though for as far back as I can remember I dreamt of being a famous writer. I never fulfilled that dream out of fear. The q.. more..Writing