![]() PrologueA Chapter by Candice M Tolbert-HoenstineShe heard a thump downstairs, so she felt beside her to see if Derick was beside her ,once she located his form in the dark she smiled and rolled over to turn the night light on then she turned back to her side where it was comfortable trying to go back to sleep but once again she heard a thump fallowed with a crash as if a glass bottle had shattered unto the floor, so she quickly sat up and reached for Derick to shake him awake, he started to grumble, she shushed him, Derick please be quiet, I think someone is downstairs, Derick slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes then shook his head to waken himself, Karen darling I think it is Jasper making all that ruckus you know he runs a muck at night, darling please go back to bed your going to give our child a panic attack with all this needless worry, Derick laughed and laid back down. Karen started to speak but then there was another loud sound but this time it sounded like a bookshelf crashed to the floor, Derick quickly sat up and got out of bed grabbed his pants and put them on, not bothering with his shirt, okay Karen that was not Jasper you are rite he whispered , now Karen you know the drill, he reached into his nightstand where he kept two 45’s , he handed one to Karen and slid the other into the waistband of his pants. Karen slowly got out of bed because she couldn't quite maneuver being that she was eight months pregnant, laid the gun on her night stand as she donned on her robe, then she picked up the gun checked it then slid into her robe pocket, then she came around the bed quietly where she stood in-front of Derick, they stood there silently looking at each other then they heard what sounded like the door slamming downstairs , Derick quickly grabbed Karen's hand and lead her to the closet where there was a hidden room, he moved the clothes away then opened the door and turned on the night light above him then he gently led her into the little hidden room, he wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ear, baby please, I beg you do not come out of this room no matter what you hear or think you hear, Karen looked at her husband and nodded her head hesitantly and whispered okay. He gave her a once look over then quickly turned around, shut the door and put the hanging clothes back in front of the door so the door would be hidden again, once satisfied she and there unborn child was tucked safely out of harms reach, he quietly tiptoed out the bedroom , down the hall and then down the stairs, everything was dead quiet other then the sound of his pounding heart. When he reached the bottom step he slowly peaked around the corner to his right where he assumed the noise had come from in the living-room, but nothing was out of place, so he decide to to peak around the corner to his left towards the kitchen, that is when he noticed the curtain moving so slightly, so he decided to go investigate, as he approached the window he found it a little odd because it was the window above the kitchen sink, this window he had yet to replace the screen so they never opened it due to Jasper getting out, he shook his head maybe Karen opened it a little, forgot to close it and Jasper decided to open it wider so he could go outside, he shook his head as if dismissing the ordeal then shut and locked the window. Just as he was turning around he heard another thump as if someone was going through drawers and slamming them shut again , he quickly grabbed his gun out of his waist band of his pants and slowly made his way to his office, rite off the kitchen then stopped at the door, gathered his nerves then took a quick breath, held it as he quickly raised his gun and rounded the corner into his office, he stood there a few moments letting his eyes adjust but there was nothing in the room but it was a wreak, as he started lowering his gun a movement to his right caught him off guard and he shot the gun wildly. No one was there it was Jasper who flew from the top of one of the bookshelves, Derick cursed the cat, Jasper you stupid cat I could have shot you and shook his head, well boy you have made yourself quite a mess in here, Mamma going to be real mad then he laughed, he picked up Jasper and left the room , he turned around to set the cat on the chair in the kitchen, then went back to his office took one look again, Jasper yes this is a hell of a mess, well I will clean it up before Mamma gets up in the morning and laughed again as he shut the office door. Karen waited patiently for Derick to come get her it felt like hours since he left her in the safe-room, she was tense, tired and getting ticked off then she heard the gunshot, she squeaked as the tears started to gather in her eyes, all she could think of was this cant be happening, she grabbed her gun out of her robe pocket and grabbed the handle of the door then stopped , Derick said not to leave the room, she stood frozen for a few seconds then decided to go against her husbands wishes and quickly ran from safety in search of her husband, as she was going down the steps she missed 4 steps before the bottom and rolled down the remaining four steps into the hall, as she laid there all she could think of was her husband being dead and now she hurt there unborn child by not listening to her husband then she blacked out. Derick heard another crash coming from the stair hallway, he quickly ran to the hall and noticed it was his wife laying on the floor, he quickly crouched down to pick up his wife and felt the blood, oh my god why didn't she wait like I asked her to, then it came to him why, she heard the gunshot , he searched into his pocket for his cell phone , grabbed it out and dialed 911, as he waited for them to answer, someone knocked him over the head. Karen woke up and she felt a warm body holding her she slowly moved her head and noticed Derick holding her but he was knocked out cold, she went to move but there was so much pain, and then she felt the blood, she started panicking, then she felt like she was not alone looked up and someone was standing there in the shadows with a gun, as he moved closer her jaw dropped and she began to speak the name of the intruder then a gun shot went off and she fell back down. Derick slowly woke up as he heard voices then he saw red and blue lights flickering into the house, he looked around trying to clear his head and noticed the blood from Karen's head seeping into the carpet, then noticed the gun beside him as he heard the door being smashed, he looked up into a bright light and then he passed out again.
© 2015 Candice M Tolbert-HoenstineAuthor's Note
Added on April 11, 2015 Last Updated on April 11, 2015 Author