Discovering Bliss

Discovering Bliss

A Poem by *!!Cammie!!*

As as water fairy creates tiny waves with only the magic on her fingertips, she realizes that bliss can be found within herself. Even though she is small, she realizes she is important.

Swollen like her heart the river pulses down the bank,
The tiny waves begin to crash so soundlessly and blank,

Above the water hovering and humming songs of pain,
This creature only bleeds inside disguising rainbow veins,

Her movements swift and graceful she begins to slowly chant,
As gravity has disappeared she floats upon a plant,

Above the water in the air her palms face to the sky,
Her body small and fragile seems to shimmer and she flies,

Directing waves below her she feels powerful and warm,
As if the waves are violent and above she is the storm,

Pretending that she makes a difference in this giant Earth,
Although she's different from the world she knows what she is worth,

She may be small and timid but her heart beats full and strong,
Her mind may tell her she's not great but in her heart she knows it's wrong.

© 2010 *!!Cammie!!*

Author's Note

please pronounce "violent" with two syllables

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Cammie, this was extraordinary. I love rhyme, when its done well. And this is superb. I don't write as much rhyme as I did in the begining, but I do have quite a few I still keep posted. Great theme. Keep making music with those keys. This song was fantastic.


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I like this, it's very good. 100!! :)
P.S. I love faerys'

Posted 14 Years Ago

wow, this was amazing. pleasantly surprising even. i loved the flow and creativity of rhyme. you painted a beautiful picture here.

well done indeed ;)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Cammie, this was extraordinary. I love rhyme, when its done well. And this is superb. I don't write as much rhyme as I did in the begining, but I do have quite a few I still keep posted. Great theme. Keep making music with those keys. This song was fantastic.


Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on February 3, 2010
Last Updated on February 3, 2010



Highlands Ranch, CO

if you take the time to read this, you already mean a lot to me(: my best friend is ashlee skittle tenn and she is forever my sister. i've made too many mistakes to count, but practice makes perfec.. more..

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