Chapter 1: Violet Sunset

Chapter 1: Violet Sunset

A Chapter by *!!Cammie!!*

Chapter 1: Violet Sunset


               Blue contacts and ebony heels walking down the streets is just my cover; the real me awaits my home, where nothing tempts me in dangerous ways. My name is Avril Calista, and this is a story of a girl--no, a monster, who both loses and gains more than imaginable.



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               The simplicity of the matter seems almost pathetic, but if you were to understand the true qualities of my theory, it wouldn’t be pathetic anymore. My only wish is to find love, a mate, but when the world is full of both oblivious and perceptive people, things can sometimes get complicated; especially when love has to come to me as a creature with skin like glitter and eyes as red as my own.

               The odds of one of us taking a liking to a human were almost nearly impossible, and I’d only heard of it happening once before. I’d feel remorseful to force a human to commit to a secret life and have to lie to others in order to prevent my revelation. It would put them in a state of constant danger, not only because of my urge to destroy them whenever I inhale, but because any knowledge of vampires of the human race was strictly prohibited. They would be forbidden to stay human; they would be damned to the life of a vampire. I couldn’t even consider taking in a human. None of them were even different from each other; the smell was always the same. If only I could find a human that stood out to me, someone that pulled me in like I attract them.

               Lately, things have become even more difficult. Because I strive to find love, I waste more time searching for it rather than fulfilling my regular needs; and as all vampires do, I need blood. But it’s a little hard to accomplish this task, due to the fact I am feeling so thirsty that approaching civilization could be dangerous to too many lives. The longer I search for love, the more thirsty I become, therefore keeping me away from civilization so I don’t harm anyone, or in other words, away from a chance to find another vampire. So I suppose depriving myself from feeding could be a very bad idea.

               I sat on the moist forest floor of northwestern Oregon against a tree, biting my nails. I couldn’t keep depriving myself from feeding, but I didn’t want to let go of my search for love. What could I possibly do, though? I couldn’t dare go into Portland and risk the lives of many humans. I probably would be best off staying in Oceanside, away from anything that could fatally impact me.

               I inhaled slowly; there was an animal around, and I could feel the venom in my eyes begin to sizzle through my contacts. I quickly took them out, and exhaled a sigh of relief. Contacts had fogged my vision with a constant annoyance.

               I had never noticed the blood of animals before, but when the thirst of a vampire becomes so potent, it’s very complicated to refuse an offer even as rare as this. I was standing up and in action with one fluent move, ascending up the nearest tree. I was halfway up the mossy tree when I felt my throat burn. The feeling was excruciating, and I remembered my creator.

               I remember it had been a man with dark hair and eyes that had been a topaz color instead of the burgundy mine have been since the beginning of my one hundred forty-two years. I had no family left, no one to be with. Maybe that’s why I strive so desperately for love, for someone to want me forever.

               At eighteen years old, I had been stabbed twice, once in attempt to kill, and once in attempt of satisfaction mixed desire for power. It was a crisp night, the air was cold and I was walking down the asphalt street, sometimes kicking snow along my way. I was headed home, but the street I was walking along was most likely not safe, wasn’t lit well, and the temperature made me walk slower than usual. Dark buildings that contained almost no windows and no light surrounded me, and I was shivering; not because of the weather, but because of the fear. How silly to think of now, being as almost indestructible and fatal, venom pulsing through every fiber of my being.

               I had every intention to get away from this dark-alley-like street as quickly as possible, and as brainless as I was, I turned into an actual alley, hoping it would lead me to my apartment. When I stepped into the alley, I immediately felt remorse. Sirens of police cars and ambulances from a location I couldn’t pin my finger on had sounded, but I shook it off and continued.

               I tossed a quick glance behind me, pulled the sides of my jacket across my chest more tightly, and pushed myself on. I tried to calm down, and convince myself nothing would happen. That was clearly a failure.

               Coming to a sudden stop, I let out a small whimper due to the sound of shoes scuffing on the concrete. This was a serious mistake. The scuffing came to a stop and a dark figure turned its head toward me, and began to approach. I tried to make out the figure, and it was a man. He did not look welcoming, and he looked anxious, twisting his head around like a child does to make sure their parents aren’t around; usually to ensure they wouldn’t get in trouble. This man was clearly in some sort of trouble, and I was about to find out why.

               Before I knew it, he was less than a foot away from me, with a blade and a sticky tear rolling down his face. I suppose the fact that he felt bad about the stabbing eased the pain; until his frown flipped to a smile.

               And then, darkness. I remember touching cold, marble like skin. I remember the same excruciating pain pulsing through my veins, which felt like fire underneath my impenetrable skin. I remember the way I could smell things, see, and feel things. And lastly, I remember the look on my creator’s face, after I had demolished the man who had attempted to kill me. He had shaken his head in disappointment, but I was still thankful for his gift. I had thanked him, but he had warned me that this gift would soon be seen as something to be disgraced of. That the creature I had now become was something to be ashamed of, and he had clearly meant it. And before I could realize it, he was gone, and I regret letting him disappear to this day. I’ll find him one day.

               The burning returned, breaking my thoughts. I clutched my throat, and my eyes flew open. I’d never fed on an animal before, but if it would quench my thirst, I figured I might as well try.

               I crouched for a split second, and then allowed myself to glide from the top of the tree to the moist, soft, forest floor dirt. Following the scent of the animal, I caught the subtle color of brown fur through the green foliage surrounding me. I could feel the venom beginning to flow in my mouth, and I trusted myself to do this properly. Just do it the same as always, you won’t hurt it, I told myself. Try not to make a mess. Be gentle.

              Gentle. Right, the gentle touch of a vampire. I took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the deer’s blood. I shouldn’t have worn my best blouse, just in case.

               I lunged at the animal, going for the area that was thick with pulsing blood: the neck. The fur felt strange against my lips, but the blood was amazingly satisfying. Perfection flowed around my mouth, and I no longer felt the need to continue the frenzy I was currently in. The deer’s body was drained, and as I predicted, my blouse was stained. I didn’t care--my thirst was gone for now.

               I arrived back to my beautiful house overlooking the North Pacific Ocean, taking a minute to enjoy the sunset out the large glass windows surrounding the front of my wooden home. In fact, windows were placed around most of the house, allowing the availability to see the ocean as well as the thick cover of foliage.

               I went to my bedroom and entered my closet, possibly the biggest closet in Tillamook County. The way I was concerned about my daily appearance was almost ridiculous. Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, and Versace were possibly my best friends at the moment, and I didn’t care. It was actually a little embarrassing; not that I cared, because no one could see it.

               I unbuttoned my shirt and tossed it in the nearby hamper, examining the racks of numerous shirts. I didn’t want to attract any attention as usual, so I didn’t wear anything sleeveless, especially on a misty day like this. The people of Oceanside were very observative, and I highly doubt an elderly woman wouldn’t comment on my outfit if I wore anything without sleeves.

               I decided to wear another button up blouse with long sleeves, and left the house.

               The beach was the same; dusty with mist, furious waves, the sand having the similar grainy texture that felt strange on the skin of my marble-like feet. The sky had a silver tint to it, and the clouds above were a very faint shade of purple.

               The sand was too moist to sit on, but I didn’t mind.

               I remembered the deer I’d just demolished less than an hour ago. The feeling of guilt washed over me, and I couldn’t help but feel bad.

                Humans were easier to deal with; I had once been one myself, and after my incident, they couldn’t be trusted. Of course, I had full respect for humans, and the guilt had disappeared after years of practice. Maybe the fact I’d never killed an animal before had just bothered me.

               The difference about animals and humans is, animals have a shorter life span, and I suppose it’s because it takes less time for animals to find bliss than humans do. The truth about humans is that, humans seem to stay the same, never changing. Physically, of course, but mentally, never. They’re all the same, yet different in so many ways…

               Every human, every life I’ve taken, has of course been just a little difficult to remember, because I find myself lost in jealousy. Because I had and have no one here with me, I envy the human race, because they can always find ways to love one another. Their families never give up on them, and their emotions control them. And when I take them from their families, it feels as if something has been taken away from me as well. I know their families will wait for them to arrive home from the grocery store, or from a walk, and when they never do, I begin to remember the feelings I haven’t felt for almost a century.

               But an animal, they are bound for life, whether their loved ones are lost or not. They continue to love forever, and humans seem to just…forget.

               A drop of rain in front of me seemed to snap me back to reality, to the crisp air. I listened to the sound of it crashing to the sand like a missile, dissolving into the sand within seconds as the others began to fall.

               The tide began to touch my shoes, and it was time I returned home.



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               I stepped onto my dark wooden porch, grazing the condensation on the rain-faded white railing that bordered it, with my fingers. Inhaling the moist air, I took a step forward toward the door. I froze; something didn’t smell like it usually did. This smell wasn’t one like an animal nearby or a flower I happened to smell on my way in; oh no. This was something much, much different.

               Revealing my teeth, a low growl arose from my chest. I inhaled a second time, and cautiously my way to the door.

               I grabbed my keys out of the nearby potted plant, and steadily but swiftly opened the door, and walked inside.

               The scent was thick, not an hour old, but one I wasn’t familiar with. Maybe they were passing through the area and noticed another vampire; not many of us weren’t nomadic. I suppose maybe they were curious.

               My intruder had clearly been through the whole house, only touching things in my room like my mirror or a necklace. They weren’t searching for anything in particular, so they must have just been passing through. Whether my intruder was meaning to harm me or just visiting in curiosity, if they were curious enough to wander inside my house, they would most likely come back and visit later.

               Strangely, the smell seemed vaguely familiar, but not familiar enough to remember whose it was. Our kind has no use for cologne, (only because the smell of our marble skin is already alluring to humans) but I could smell the faintest hint of it.

               I decided I wouldn’t worry about my visitor, because only one vampire couldn’t harm me anyway. I was quicker than most, and very skilled.

               I nearly flew up the stairs to the bathroom, checking myself in the mirror. My strawberry blond hair was windblown and tangled from the rain, so I ran a brush through it, trying not to yank through the knots. When I was finished, I went to my room and sat down on my black leather couch. I’d buy a bed but it seemed so unnecessary when I had a couch.

               I swung my legs onto my couch and sighed, looking out the window at the purple sunset. I felt lonely often, and to be honest, the fact that I had a visitor kind of excited me; I was eager to find out who it was that had been through my house and my room. I’d always been one for adrenaline--well, after I was changed.

               A vampire is practically indestructible; I can do anything I want to without being in danger. Unless of course another vampire was to…decapitate and burn me. I shuddered at the thought.

               At least being burned would be better than the punishment you got for revealing our secret or coming close to it. Every vampire feared only one thing; the Volturi. I’d only heard of them, never experienced meeting them, and I hope I never will. I knew they had a guard that contained vampires with gifts of torture.

               My visitor would return tomorrow if not tonight, and I would make the most of it. Company was hard to come by, especially because I could never risk having a human alone with me in my house, secluded from others. I would never bring a human into my home anyway, although the evidence would be an easy task to get rid of. In fact, maybe my visitor would come back more than once; perhaps we would become good friends. But until I knew if this “visitor” was either a threat or one meaning no harm, I was prepared for anything.

© 2010 *!!Cammie!!*

Author's Note

Please do not leave rude comments, if you don't like it, please don't comment on it. I accept kind criticism but bitterness is unacceptable. Thanks for reading!

My Review

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I'm a fan of vampires in fiction, and a lot of the times, when I see vampire + romance, I go in expecting the same rehashed love story Twilight had brought to the forefront. I was pleasantly surprised with this wonderfully crafted first chapter, from the subtle exposition, to the almost poetic way the character thinks, it really feels like less of the typical angsty cliche, and more of a mature look at immortality and what it means to be an immortal vampire.

Minor things that sort of stuck out to me was the constant reminder that "I am indestructible." or just the verbal reminder that she is a vampire and that she far surpasses humans. While I'm all for vampires being top tier on the food chain, I believe showing her power more rather than having her rest beneath a tree and tell us how powerful she is would work better. And you actual DID do this - once. I found myself awed when she pounced the deer, draining it off it's blood in such a bestial, animal manner. I want more of this, as opposed to her chilling out and telling us how she could do that.

It's actually really hard to find anything glaring in this first chapter, as it's a very solid, well rounded piece all together. I'll definitely give this one a read, and I look forward to what it will bring to the table. Keep up the good work!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Very well done! Honestly I hadn't expected to be so entertained, but quickly after reading just a few lines I was drawn in. Everything is very avidly described and your grammar is near perfect. I will be reading, so please keep it up!

Posted 15 Years Ago

wow, please keep writing. I wanted to read only a few paragraphs but it was so interesting that I read the whole thing. To me it seemed as though you were writing a huge poem. very nice piece. Want more!!!!!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 5, 2010
Last Updated on January 7, 2010
Tags: calista, vampires, oregon, early morning skies



Highlands Ranch, CO

if you take the time to read this, you already mean a lot to me(: my best friend is ashlee skittle tenn and she is forever my sister. i've made too many mistakes to count, but practice makes perfec.. more..

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