The Common Chameleon

The Common Chameleon

A Poem by *!!Cammie!!*

The common chameleon turns ashen white,
Deep in the forest he sleeps through the light.
The creatures awaken with faith and delight,
While Mister Chameleon opens his eyes,

The atmosphere lights up hinting a prelude,
As lightning bugs arise in a sparkling mood.
Dragonflies hum and cicadas are cued,
To join in the melody together they choose,

As Mister Chameleon fades to a blue,
The thought of him joining them felt like taboo.
He sank to his branch almost like he was glued,
But then came a sparrow that flew into view,

The sparrow sang songs to him luring him out,
The common chameleon felt no more doubt,
Out in the sunshine he thought he'd lie down,
And with seconds of entering heard so many sounds,

He now understood that he just found the light,
Though they were all gorgeous he was more of a sight,
None of the others could make themselves white,
And he knew he was special; the sparrow was right.

© 2010 *!!Cammie!!*

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wow, I really like this poem. It flows right. The words are used correctly. Very nice job. =)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 1, 2010
Last Updated on January 1, 2010



Highlands Ranch, CO

if you take the time to read this, you already mean a lot to me(: my best friend is ashlee skittle tenn and she is forever my sister. i've made too many mistakes to count, but practice makes perfec.. more..

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