The Beauty of Nature

The Beauty of Nature

A Poem by The Disconsolate Muse

The truth we often ignore

Since the ages of old
Man has contemplated what he holds right at his fingertips
He has set out to learn what he
And reach out to what he cannot
Through the rising and setting of
the sun
To the mountains and peaks
We see what some cannot
And admire it for weeks and

The small flower waving in the wind
To the regal pine upon a mount
From the leaves crunching on the
To the stars in the heavens beyond

The beauty of nature is
The weight of its beauty is
Man has seen it for years
But only occasionally listens to the
music of the sphere
With beauty, we bring destruction
And with destruction comes
vast reduction

We see the animals on the plains
Where man has left it unstained
Everywhere we go, we taint
We leave our mark, accusing fate
As the years go on
The beauty of nature is being
Even after seeing the rising of the
sun, the regal pines upon their
mount, and the small flower
which we often discount
We continue to destroy what is
not ours
Leaving a mark on a quest that we
chose to embark

So in the end we're left with little
If we do not change, and ignore
nature's beauty
We believe that our destruction is
something trivial
And dodge what is around us
We see the pines, the stars, and
the mountains too
But we ignore what is around us,
casting it aside for a rumored
scientific breakthrough

So what is more important? The air
we breathe, or a better
Shall we ignore our surroundings,
plunging into utter destruction?
Or shall we go hand in hand, fixing
our mistakes, and creating a
better world for future reproduction?

© 2017 The Disconsolate Muse

Author's Note

The Disconsolate Muse
Spacing might have messed up in post. I apologize if it did mess up and flow is hard to follow.

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this is so perceptive - one spends so much time seeking knowledge and furthering their understanding of life whilst ignoring the solution that appears in front of them. humans overlook nature, the source of the answers they so desperately desire, a resource we exploit in erroneous ways

Posted 8 Years Ago

The Disconsolate Muse

8 Years Ago

Exactly. In fact, it's semi depressing, looking at those seeking answers that they already hold, but.. read more

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1 Review
Added on January 8, 2017
Last Updated on January 8, 2017
Tags: nature, beauty, pretty, stars, flowers, trees, destruction, ignorance


The Disconsolate Muse
The Disconsolate Muse


I am a 16 year old male writer just struggling through life like everyone else. I write poetry and lyrics that express how I am feeling and what I am going through. I enjoy photography, writing and pl.. more..
