not knowing is killing me

not knowing is killing me

A Poem by callan

this is not your usal acrostic the first word insted of the first leater so it says It�s not that it might be ending that hurts it�s not knowing that kills



It’s a pain that tear’s deep into my soul it’s
Not the same this time I am truly in love
That is why it hurts so bad last time I cut my wrist and
It did not bring relief just questions from my family so no I think I  
Might through myself from a cliff or sink my boat at sea just to
Be free from not knowing whether u still love me bring a
Ending to my dismal existents on this earth  
That is what will bring my relief from what
Hurts from not knowing whether the time I have with u will last or weather
It’s domed to end leaving me in total devastation and this is
Not an exaggeration my love runs so deep it has consumed my life coasting me my friends not
Knowing whether you will call or whether u will walk away from me
That is the true pain for me and what slowly
Kills me whilst I suffer wit this my only cry for help

© 2008 callan

Author's Note

plz enjoy it might be one of my last pices i write

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I enjoyed this, but I think you should hold on and never give up. I've gone through the same type of thing and after talking to the person, I was able to get over them even though I loved them so much. Yet we still talk and we're still friends. But never give up, because there is someone out there for everyone of us, someone who is our perfect person. If you hold on and get through, you'll be able to find that person. So hang on, trust me, I've been there, but it gets better.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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aww sweety seem to be in a very dark place, but although writing this truth helps in some way to alleviate the pain...the only way this will be resolved is by talking to those who love you and can put your mind at rest.


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I enjoyed this, but I think you should hold on and never give up. I've gone through the same type of thing and after talking to the person, I was able to get over them even though I loved them so much. Yet we still talk and we're still friends. But never give up, because there is someone out there for everyone of us, someone who is our perfect person. If you hold on and get through, you'll be able to find that person. So hang on, trust me, I've been there, but it gets better.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on December 6, 2008




no gf 1 realy gf in my live desciption bout 6 fot 4 inch white male blue eyes blond-ish hear love moto's more..

love and hate love and hate

A Poem by callan