wandering soul

wandering soul

A Poem by callan

a poem with a litel leter

Wonderful loving  
Angle guiding me    
Near to my
Destiny helping me
Embrace and under stand
Relationships and the love
I’m feeling deep within me
Now all that is left is a
Girl who loves me for me and not the
Success and yet still after the smallest
Of fights  
Unleash words that could kill that still
Linger from the last time do you really love me
Dear Rachel this is me saying look how sorry I truly m
I m not only writing it but posting it to the web I was wrong
And I love u so much you truly are my one and only
My angle please for give me
I know I cry and that is not normal
But u means so much to me the fear was so strong it drove me to tears
So please forgive me Rachel
You are my one and all my angle my only true love

© 2008 callan

My Review

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Well put and beautiful done. One can tell that you truly love this woman. There were a few errors in the letter, and I will make notes on them for you. Well done and I hope everything turns out well for you.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 16, 2008




no gf 1 realy gf in my live desciption bout 6 fot 4 inch white male blue eyes blond-ish hear love moto's more..

love and hate love and hate

A Poem by callan