so you made plans

so you made plans

A Poem by callan




Some plans were made the
Occasion was looming when 
You told me that
Our plans are going to be accompanied by your best friend so now
Upon that nite I will be left looking and not able to hold you the way
I want to but it’s
Not a problem to you because she is your best friend and you don’t have a
Vision for our relationship to you I m just a boyfriend someone to confide in but
I want to be more than just someone you trust I want to be someone you love
The man you will hold late in to your life the one you will hold tight at the
End the one that will
Defend your honour and hold you close the one that keeps
You warm and safe the I that can say how good was
Our vows on our wedding day and discuses the fights that are now water
Under the bridge and remember the ways I made things
Rite again only to overcome another
Fight without even thinking about what was the
Right thing to do
I have learned to love and
Except that I will not always be right and will never get what I want and to
Never to mention any thing because you may try to
Do it just because you think you have to, to be my girlfriend and you don’t
Just remember I love u Rachel and always will

© 2008 callan

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Wow-this is very touching, and sweet--I hope you gave it to your g/f :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 9, 2008




no gf 1 realy gf in my live desciption bout 6 fot 4 inch white male blue eyes blond-ish hear love moto's more..

love and hate love and hate

A Poem by callan