Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Dark Angel

So it begins


    A cloud of dust erupted as his foot landed. He looked into what had been his childhood bedroom.  He leaned agaisn't the door frame as he looked in. The rotted wood groaned at his weight and threatened to splinter.

    It had been not even six years since he had last stood there, yet the house lay in ruins. All the old posessions from his past were in disarray, most destroyed. A sigh escaped his lips as he remembered that life, as he remembered his mother. He could see her tucking him into bed as a child, hear her singing him to sleep even. Then she was gone and all that remained was the broken room furniture, the dresser had been reduced to no more then a pile of wood. He gripped onto the other side of the door frame accidently shattering it.

    A hand gripped his shoulder. "I'm sorry James, I had to know." he said to the man without looking back.

   "I know Ean, I know. We should really start setting up camp though night's about to fall and we don't wanna have to sleep on an open road."

    "No, not again." Ean replied jokingly. Last time they had camped on the road they had been ambushed the memory of it still amused him. It had been near dawn and they had already packed up to move when country bandits had attacked them. There had been no hope for the bandits and the attack didn't last long. He could still see them running away in his mind. "Tell the men to start setting up camp, and tell Sam it's his turn to cook. I'll be out in a minute."

   James nodded and walked out of the torched house. Ean could hear him yelling to the men outside of the house, and the clatter of them all setting up tents afterword.

    He took one last look at the room before turning to leave, something caught his eye as he was turning, he walked over to it. Bending down he picked it up, it was his mothers favorite dress. Blood stained the once white flowers that she had stiched in herself. Rage gripped Ean as he begin to shake, tears welling up in his eyes, he gripped the dress so tightly his nuckles were ash white. He slammed his fist into the wall imbedding the dress into it and slumped over.

   He dropped to his hands and knee's and sat there for nearly half an hour before rising to his feet and leaving the house. His men called out to him saying things like hello or asking him if he would eat at their tent that night. He went to the spot where James was setting up his tent for him and started to help him wordlessly.

   "You alright Ean?" He asked as we finished the tent and began to set his up next to Ean's.

   "I'll be fine." James nodded and kept working, he had been his best friend for six years they were closer then brothers and would die for each other. They had to scars to prove it too.

    They heard footsteps behind them so they turned to check who it was. Ryan was walking towards them. "I'm sorry to bother you sir, but a lot of us are anxious. We don't know why we stopped here, with Dead'rovas' men on to us we should be trying to gain ground towards Yrean not take a side detor. We just want to know why we came here."

    Ean looked him over contimplating his words James spoke first though "Ean, let's tell them. Everything. Most of these men would die for us, and I know we would for them. They have a right to know who we are."

    "I'm not sure that's such a good idea. They deserve know enough, but everything?" Ean said dropping his shoulders.

    "Yes everything. Look around you, look at what you started. They should know who we really are."

    "Fine. After dinner though. Dismissed Ryan." Ryan looking satisfied turned and strode away, once out of ear shot Ean glanced over and James and joked "What a smug little b*****d."

    Sam made potato stew that night, Ean and James ate by their tents discussing what they would tell the men. When the moment arrived the men began to come sit around their fire. "So it begins." Ean said his eyes going slightly out of focus as he began to remember things better left forgotten.



© 2012 Dark Angel

Author's Note

Dark Angel
Ignore my grammar errors and spelling.

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I like the imagery of your words. I would look at shortening some of your sentences - for example, the first 2 i would make into 4 - or instead of a comma in the first one, replace it with the word 'as'. The 2nd sentence i think really needs to be 2.
- Would love to hear more :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I like the imagery of your words. I would look at shortening some of your sentences - for example, the first 2 i would make into 4 - or instead of a comma in the first one, replace it with the word 'as'. The 2nd sentence i think really needs to be 2.
- Would love to hear more :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I like it, it seems like you're setting up for something exciting :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 3, 2011
Last Updated on November 17, 2012
Tags: dusk's dawn, dusk, dawn, dark angel, fantasy


Dark Angel
Dark Angel

Draper, UT

My name is Caleb, I'm seventeen years old. I live in Utah. I love writing novels and playing with genetics. more..

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