Behind your thoughts and feelings, my brother, there stands a mighty ruler, an unknown sage--whose name is self. In your body he dwells; he is your body. -Friedrich Nietzsche
We are all much more than we think,
But our self and mind are out of sync.
Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. -Cyril Connolly
Oh wow. This is probably my favorite work of yours yet! Great job!
The quotes--wow, they fit in perfectly with the poetry. Me, I can never find the right quotes that I need. But these fit perfectly in. Man, how do you do it?
Oh--one line I had a bit of trouble with;
"Tools like to help and love to help change,
But the more we help the more we derange."
This seemed like reaching on the second part. And the first bit was a little long for the meter. I would say something like 'Tools can help and try to change' or something like that. If that's not what you want to get across then, yeah, of course use something else. Just to make it fit, you know?
Wow. Good job. Bravo. Three thumbs up!
Posted 15 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
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This was a great idea. Well done, man. You should check out Chuck Klosterman. He has a story about how he went to Germany and he realized that they had the same laws but they were more strict about ones that we aren't all that much. His whole point was to change your surroundings, you don't change government, you change the public perception on what is okay. I know that was a random tangent, but there it is. Liked this piece a lot though, cool experiment.
I find it interesting that you used quotes from other people. I think that man serves everyone, as long as everyone does the same to others. My personal belief though is that the world will be at peace for only two seconds, and that is when the end of the world will come. Just something I thought I add in.
Yeah, I like this. I did this call and response to fave quotes format in hypertext link structure, in the Psiberia Archives of my site, the entirety of which was used in collegiate new media writing curriculum several yrs. ago. Maybe I'll send you links, when I dig 'em back up. As I recall, it was a particular cycle driven by just such a format, hyperlinked, quoting sources as disparate as Kathy Acker and Krishnamurti.
It's fun. Many of us have enjoyed certain vols. of quotation, and rollin' up your sleeves and responding to 'em is more interactive. Your tight little rhymes make it more memorable.
And you wrap it all up, the feedback loop, with a droll rhyme as to how all are served.
i absolutely love looking up quotes, books with quotes, websites, etc. so i loved this. & you really got some great quotes in here that are unique & things i've never heard before, which in itself is an achievement, because i know there had to have been some research here. "We are all much more than we think,But our self and mind are out of sync. Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self" i absolutely love this one as i can relate to it right now & of course i loved the one by leo tolstoy, that is absolutely brilliant when you think of it, & so true. i think this is great, keep experimenting. :) i think these quotes are probably the most inspiring i've read. very thought-provoking piece.
Like I said, I love this. You always make the best points with your poetry. You should publish all of them in a book named Poetry to Change the Common Man, lol. Or something like that.
As far as:
"Tools like to help and love to help change,
But the more we help the more we derange."
I agree with Scott M. about the first line, but I think the second line is fine. It was probably my favorite line of the whole piece. I read it and thought to myself, 'Yes, that's how it really is.'
Oh wow. This is probably my favorite work of yours yet! Great job!
The quotes--wow, they fit in perfectly with the poetry. Me, I can never find the right quotes that I need. But these fit perfectly in. Man, how do you do it?
Oh--one line I had a bit of trouble with;
"Tools like to help and love to help change,
But the more we help the more we derange."
This seemed like reaching on the second part. And the first bit was a little long for the meter. I would say something like 'Tools can help and try to change' or something like that. If that's not what you want to get across then, yeah, of course use something else. Just to make it fit, you know?
Wow. Good job. Bravo. Three thumbs up!