You Blind HerA Poem by CaitlinMy friend and her reactions to her boyfriend.You are all she ever speaks of, You are all that’s on her mind, You are all she ever dreams of, You truly make her blind. -- She can’t see the real you, The one who’s ignorant and mean, The one who’s always with other girls, She doesn’t see the whole scene. -- You are all that she thinks of, You are all that she adores, You are all she’s ever wanted, But not for long, not anymore. -- One day she’s going to wake up, From this trance you have her in, She’ll realize who you really are, Her strength will finally wear thin. -- She will finally see the real you, The one who’s ignorant and mean, The on who’s with other girls, She will see the entire scene. -- You won’t be who she speaks of, You won’t always be on her mind, You won’t be in any of her dreams, The true you, she will find. -- Although she’ll find the true you, It is you she will miss, And every time you cross her mind, She’ll remember and reminisce.
© 2010 CaitlinReviews
2 Reviews Added on November 14, 2010 Last Updated on November 14, 2010 AuthorCaitlinRIAboutCaitlin is fine; September 14th, 14 years ago; Freshman; One brother; Single and crushing; Poems; Quotes; Friends; Books; Guys; Summer; Beach; Sunglasses; Volleyball; Kassidy Carleen; Amy Jane; Ka.. more..Writing