![]() We Used to be CloseA Poem by Caitlin![]() I wrote this when I had a fight with my friend.![]() You and I, We used to be close, The times we were together, I miss the most. -- We drift apart more, And day by day, The threads of our friendship, Seem to fray. -- You and I, We used to be close, The joke we shared, I miss the most. -- We always are fighting, Causing more and more problems, Making others choose sides, And having them try to solve ‘em. -- You and I, We used to be close, The advice you gave, I miss the most. -- We should be supporting each other, Not starting a fight, Because in the end, We cry ourselves to sleep at night. -- You and I, We used to be close, But I think it’s you, I miss the most.
© 2010 Caitlin |
1 Review Added on November 14, 2010 Last Updated on November 14, 2010 Author![]() CaitlinRIAboutCaitlin is fine; September 14th, 14 years ago; Freshman; One brother; Single and crushing; Poems; Quotes; Friends; Books; Guys; Summer; Beach; Sunglasses; Volleyball; Kassidy Carleen; Amy Jane; Ka.. more..Writing