A touching piece of epic sadness, a candid look at a world growing up too fast, and the fight not to lose dreams to the angst.
Some might say that you are too young to have written something so haunting, but they would not be able to defend that point. It has the touch of a mid-life crisis, where one remembers their youth - reaches that pivotal point where they realize what is lost - and that they can only dream of what they used to dream.
As long as you have your dreams though, am I right?
I didnt like the title cause it didnt reall relate to what you wrote. What do you think about "fairytale dreams" Well dispite the title I really liked the poem. i totally got what you were saying and I liked the way you said it. Great write.
this was really good and kind of touched me;
i really liked it and it so true alll the ages and now that were teens we dont even realize how simple life was and how growing up shoulf have been the least of our worries it reall makes us enjoy every second of life cause you never know when its going to get more hectic.. i could be all wrong about what your saying but i really like this..
i love reading your poemss..
corbin williams
This poem poses a great point. I can remember the care free days of childhood but never do I feel as I once did. It's feeling we all search for but never achieve.
i think that i agree with you!
this is my favorite line
When i was three i used to dream,
of sleeping on clouds and what the world will be.
i used to be lyk dat i can totally relate bravo
I think we've all had this happen to us It's sad to know that's the reality of things! But it's true. Although I never remember being that girly when I was lil'!! XD
The title is catching and leading. Nostagalic of the innocent years...where did they go? Why did they go by so quickly? I look down and I have a woman's hands....hmmmm....that might make a good poem! haha
Take care!
cheers, lea
Yes, I do like your poem. Your stanzas take the reader on a ride through your young years and how your dreams changed. It is reassuring that you end the poem on a positive note: you continue to dream!
I like! There is one great thing about getting older! I can't tell you how liberating it felt when I reached an age when I didn't care what other people thought of what I wore or what my hair looked like. It was and is SO refreshing and FREE!