

A Poem by A Bohemian Woman

short poem

Wild roses walked these streets
Where in the wind lay fallen leaves
Where one persists, in a lifeless field

She cries for the memory
Of those who got trapped
In the web of the new catch

Catch twenty-three

© 2020 A Bohemian Woman

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i adore this poem. because the second part begins with "she" i assume the "wild rose" is her! wild implies natural or being against the grain, and roses are beautiful, so this woman is a lovely force that reckons with the world! the fallen leaves are the past, or history, maybe her family that died before her. but she persists, even if the field is lifeless, she if full of life! she cries, sure, but she is strong. there's always a catch though. she has to struggle too. that's just life!

love this! and czech women are the best! but they're a catch-23!! :p

Posted 4 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 1, 2020
Last Updated on April 1, 2020
Tags: catch 22, catch-22, heller, memory, loss


A Bohemian Woman
A Bohemian Woman

Bohemia, Czech Republic

There's a room in a hotel in New York City, that shares our fate and deserves our pity. I don't want to remember it all, the promises I made if you just hold on. (Twin Skeleton's - FOB) I love .. more..
