Loves War Wounds

Rays Verses
At first she had great desire
Then again,~ she could have been a liar
Told me how much she loved me
Then again,~ I should have waited to really see
She really had great love for me
Then again,~ she could have just used me
to get where she wanted to be
Does this thing called love really exist
Now that it's all over I'm not sure of this
Just add another,~ to the hurt me list
Dagonut Verses
Giving my heart without reserve
Takes more than a little nerve
In her palm all it takes is a grip
And through her fingers my love drips
I've never gotten my heart back in one piece
Former loves keep souvenirs
So now it looks like Swiss cheese
Paid for with heartache and tears
Rays Verses
My heart beaten and used over the years
Its enough to bring any man to tears
Is there an honest woman,~ left somewhere
That wants true love and for me will really care
The heart is a very fragile thing
True love is all I wish her to bring
I have looked for her from shore to shore
To bad you can't buy true love in a store
I would buy it before it is to late
For soon I won't be able to afford the freight
Dagonut adds ...
But love cannot be purchased with
A coin, a bill, a gold bar or gem
It's priceless and attained only if
The person you love, resides within
On the battlefield of love lay remains
Of a hundred billion broken hearts
Ironically still within them contained
Is a singular glowing spark
The puddles formed of their misery
Mixed together amongst the debris
Who knows, maybe love can arise
Amongst the casualties

Dagonut and Ray Hamilton
© Copyright 7 / 2008
All rights Reserved
Thank You Goes Out To Dagonut
For his Talented Pen In This Fun Write
No offence Intended To The Ladies
Without You Life Would Be Worth Nothing
Please visit Dagonut
He is a very talented poet
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