Three Strikes And Your Out
They say that three strikes and your out
In the game of baseball, there is no doubt
In marriage, if three strikes and your out
Then I'm finished, of this there is no doubt
Well in my case, one was really a walk
For she was just in love with the, - - - - - - - - - - Money
You thought I was going to say something else didn't you
We were married very young, was that so wrong
When a man came along with more money, she was soooo gone
Well that's the end, of that sad and very short song
So I think this marriage, was just a walk, so am I wrong
Well I may have another turn at the bat
In my mind I have one more strike, and that's that
I just have to watch what is pitched
For I don't want another, - - - - - - - - - - - strike
There you go again, get your mind out of the gutter,
I wasn't going to say the b word honest
I'm sure there's a nice girl, out there somewhere
If she's honest and trustworthy, that's all I care
Do I trust another woman, with my wounded heart
Sure, I have time, I'm still young, I'm not yet an old fart
No I wasn't asking your opinion, so don't start
My second wife, she gave me two wonderful sons
That may be where, all the trouble begun
Being a family man, I worked hard to support this bunch
When away she got lonely, started having a man in for lunch
Well you know the rest, it was time again for another heart crunch
I also was missing some socks, I guess nothing is truly your own
Hey,-- that may not be a strike either, sounds to me like a foul ball
Do I have two strikes left?
One walk and a foul ball, you tell me, its your call
Is my life on hold, or has love just stalled
I think I need to hit that ball, off the far back wall
You know a home run,
for I'm sure there's a lovely woman out there somewhere,
who will be true to me and give love her all
Funny how the mind, can justify things
I say s**t happens and you just have to deal with it
Ray Hamilton
Not a poet and I know it!
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