A Chapter by bunnehbooh

“You can't be serious, Stephanie?” Donavon's mom pleaded, with an annoyingly high pitched voice.

“You told the boys to rape my daughter, sadly, I am being very serious, you have an hour to get your stuff and leave. It is Donavon's choice to stay here, with us for his safety, or risk going with you to protect you.” She looked at Donavon.

Donavon looked at his mom, who starred back at him, “I'm staying.” He wrapped his arms around my tiny frame in his lap.

Lucia squealed, “Oh, your just as worthless as that stupid dog.” She pointed at Jackson.

I stood up, and walked over to her, I wrenched my arm back, and brought it forward with ten times the force my mom had used on me earlier that day. My hand made contact, which caused her to stumble backwards, and trip in her heels.

I walked up to her again, and with a shaky voice I announced, “If anyone here is a dog, it's you, and there's a special word for people like you, it's called a b***h.” I took a deep breath, “I think I'd like to have me and Jackson escort you someplace safe, for the time being.”

My mom nodded, I guess approving my suggestion, “I also think Donavon should go as well, so her can bid his mother farewell.” then she looks between me and Jackson, “Also I don't feel right letting my daughter travel around with a single man.”

We all agreed, when we we're ready to leave, my mom walked up to us, “Angela, Jackson, and Donavon. I don't want you to come back here for sometime. I have passports in the bags up in the main lobby, and enough money in cash to last you for about a month. I don't want you staying in one place for too long, since I seem to have noticed that Angela seem to bring the Virq to her, outside of this place.”

We all nodded, and the boys started for the front lobby at a brisk pace, I walked at a more leisurely pace. I've been here for less then 24 hours, and they already want me to leave, I must have made a great first impression.

The boys were waiting for me, and when I caught up, Jackson put his arm out for me to take, “So where do you want to go?”

I looked at him and smirked, “Lets go to the fight.” they both stopped, “I mean, they took my friend yesterday, I want to see if she's still there.”

Donavon recovered first, “What do you mean they took your friend? Why didn't you say something before, we would have sent a rescue party to get her. Or him.”

Jackson finally got back into the conversation, “She isn't there, unless they think they can trade her for secrets from you. But I think they realized quickly after that, you didn't know anything.”

I ignored Jackson, and answered Donavon, “I forgot, I saw my mom, got drugged, and pulled to a dinner I never wanted to go to, and then I almost got raped, and he killed someone. Now that I've had time to think, I remembered why I was pursuing him in the first place.”

Donavon shrugged, “Makes sense.”

Jackson grabbed both of us, “We can decide later, after we drop your mom off.”

We got up to the lobby, and everyone was there, I guess they were all saying good bye to Lucia. We walked past, without anyone taking notice. Standing at the end of the entrance by the big glass doors was Lucia, she saw us coming, and said something to my mom.

We got to her, and Jackson drew a symbol on the door, and everyone stepped through. Luckily this time I didn't land on my face, but I didn't stay on my feet, instead I landed Donavon's arms. His mom pushed him to the side, and walked into the small house we landed in. It was made for one person, and had a horrible color scheme.

Jackson finally came through, and Lucia walked back to us, “You three mongrels can leave any time you wish.”

I sat down in the only chair in the living room, “No I think I want to stay here for awhile. Last time it only took them about an hour to find me. So now they must be locked on me.”

She looked at me carefully, and walked into the kitchen, she came back with a small wooden chair, and she sat down in it, “So you intend to bring the Virq here, to kill me.”

It wasn't a question, she knew very well. “Yes, but we'll be following you, so don't worry about that, they won't learn anything from you.”

We sat in silence for half an hour, then Lucia got up and turned on the TV. The news blasted my picture on it, saying, 'multimillionaire heiress is missing. Last time seen was in the park this morning being followed by a strange looking man.'

We sat through the news coverage of my 'disappearance'. I decided that instead of following her directly, I want to clear up the news about me, before I showed up somewhere publically.

I walked into the kitchen, which was fully stocked, I reached into the fridge and grabbed a juice box, the easiest thing to grab, then I felt heat beside me suddenly, I didn't even have to turn, I just announced, “Hello, it took you long enough.”

He laughed, “You sure are cocky for a girl about to die.”

I opened the straw on my juice, and stabbed it in, “I'm not going to die, I brought you a Wims, to be more specific, I brought you Lucia Evans.”

He stopped and looked at me, then walked to the front room, and guffawed, “You weren't kidding little one, but that's not why I'm here. We know you were born to possess both powers, and we know they are there.”

I stopped sucking on my juice, and looked through the doorway to see the Virq starring at me, I cleared my throat, “I hate to break it to you, but in order for someone to kidnap me, I need to know their name.”


“Meeh, I've heard better names. Also you pegged me more as a Marcus.”

He shook his head, “Stop fooling around girl, I need to take you back with me. The king must see you.”

He reached for me, but I jumped back, “Not happening.” I walked away from him, “I've been through too much today, how about take her, and come back for me in a week. I want time to rest first.”

He rushed at me, “I can't do that, I can take you now, or I'll just kill all of the people in this house. They really aren't that well hidden.”

He smirked at me, I just smirked back, “You think I care about any of them, I'm here to turn her over to you, and I won't be hard to find, trust me.”

I turned around walked into the hall to the bedroom and bathroom, I walked into the bedroom, and leaned against the bed, “Could I possible persuade you to leave me alone for some time.”

He looked behind him, and then back to me, “I know your friends are going to come save you before I'd get anywhere near you.” He took a step back, “Jackson, you can come out now. And whatever your other little friends name is.”

Jackson came out of the bathroom, and Donavon came out of the living room where his mom had been, Jackson spoke first, “Hello Alton. How nice to see you again.”

Alton kept his eyes on me, “I want her, you are going to give her to me without a fight, and she'll be returned when the king is finished with her, unharmed.”

Donavon looked like he really wanted to say something, but Jackson beat him it, “You can take me.”

I jumped up and ran at him, “Are you kidding me.” I got to him, spun around and faced Alton, “That's not happening, the only person going with you is Lucia. If you want her, if not leave now.”

He laughed, and I felt Jackson turn away from me, I decided right then was the time to practice my powers, then Donavon found his voice, “I agree with Angela. You should leave.”

I formed a perfect icicle in one hand hidden behind my leg, my other hand was on fire, Jackson leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Let him take the first punch.”

Alton smirked at all of us, “One of you willing to give yourselves up to save everyone else, the other two telling me to leave and take the fourth person, who has no say in anything. How interesting, and you call us uncivilized.”

He gave a nasty laugh as he released an icicle at Jackson's face, “Not going to take either, I'm taking her”

Jackson lifted his hand and melted the icicle right in front of his face, then shot a fireball at Alton. Who leaned barely to the left to avoid it. I knew I had to get out of the way, so I took a few steps over to my right, making sure to keep my hands hidden. I got out of the way, and they were solely focused on destroying each other that it didn't take me long to know it was the perfect chance. I flung 5 small fire balls at Alton, which two of them hit the other two didn't.

He spun towards me, and smirked, “There's the fire, now where's the ice girl.”

I tssked him, “I'm not 'girl' I have a name.” I threw my icicle at his shoulder, expecting him to lean to the left like last time, and he did.

It landed 4 inches deep into his shoulder, and he let out a wretched scream, when he stopped screaming, he just looked at me. Jackson ran over and grabbed me and pulled me to the mirror. Donavon had all of our bags on him, and Jackson drew the symbol and threw me through the mirror. This time I landed on my face, on carpeting.

© 2015 bunnehbooh

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Added on January 2, 2015
Last Updated on January 29, 2015



Austin, MN

My name is Anna, I go by Bunny. I am 19, and have a son born on June 18th 2014, and currently writing a few short stories, very slowly. On the side, I draw, read, watch anime, and sleep, wait what's t.. more..

Illaria Illaria

A Story by bunnehbooh

One One

A Chapter by bunnehbooh