Her last words

Her last words

A Story by Lois Jean Biddle

The last words of her story 
Lois J. Biddle
Caroline awoke out of bed, to the sound of the singing birds, she heard the sweet harmony sounding like a lullaby.Waking up getting out of bed is the hardest part of her day,it feels like being in a glass tank full of water still being able to breath but not trapped inside of her own mind,she took the step out of bed to start another day of floating through the day being there but not really being there , like and outsider trying to come inside.Standing there in front of the mirror ,only for a second so she doesn't see herself, she walks to her closet a grabs her pink long sleeve blouse with hearts on it, to hide her pain, and she grabs her black jeans and puts them on. After she had gotten dressed that day she walked down stairs looking at her family wondering if any of them could hear her screams ,but she just smiles and they smile back. she went to the kitchen to get breakfast, she could smell the eggs and bacon the smelt like a dirty pig with a mix of hens, she ate but she couldn't really taste it it was like she was watching someone else do everything she was doing,she just looked around the room blankly and rose from her chair and left. Walking down the street to the bus she stop looked up and all she seen was a picture in the clouds of a bloody blade, she was trying to keep moving but it felt like being dragged in by something you love and she couldn't turn away, in the back of her mind the thought and picture stuck. After lunch Caroline was walking in to class and all the kids started laughing and pointing at her, she dropped her books and ran home to the bathroom. Sitting alone in the bathroom thinking about the picture in the clouds, Caroline pick up a blade and put it to her wrist , one, two, three cuts down her wrist . Sitting on the floor watching the blood pour out of her wrist like water coming out a faucet, she finally passes out. Close to death her body just laying there on the floor,like a sack of unused potatoes, Caroline's sister bust in the bathroom screaming running to the phone to call 911 ,watching her only sister laying there barely alive hoping the ambulance will arrive in time. Rushing Caroline to the hospital trying to keep her alive, pulling her out of the ambulance rushing her back , her sister beside her, the nurse tells her to stay there and wait. Caroline's sister called her parents finally they arrived, after a few minutes the doctor comes out with a sour look on his face and walks over to the family and starts to speak and before he could finish the words i'm sorry for your lost Caroline sister drops to the floor in tears and her parents start crying. After everything at the hospital the family went home to get some rest , Caroline sister went into Caroline bedroom and looking around she found a letter. The letter said,dear Sister if your reading this letter this means im gone i want you to know i love you very much and my departure had nothing to do with or mom or dad ,it is just time for me to leave i was just born in the wrong time and the wrong place and i don't fit so i have decided that it will be better if i go home to heaven im always watching over you and i love you Im running outta room to write so here is my last words , I love you and my pain wasn't cause you it was just time for me to go back to heaven but im always your guardian angel, Love your sister Caroline. Caroline sister started in tears, she never got over the lose of Caroline but she lived her life to show Caroline and remember Caroline. Caroline parents soon joined Caroline after a car accident toke there life.

© 2016 Lois Jean Biddle

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Added on May 31, 2016
Last Updated on May 31, 2016