A Poem by buddhas-buddha

I’m sorry I pushed the snooze button,

Stopped the alarm at 4 AM,

And slept in for another hour and a half

(Instead of waking up like I told you I did).


I spent another half hour in the bathroom,

Feeling the nearly-scalding water lightly fall on me

And massage my back

While you scrambled to pull everything together


(I know I said I would take a short shower

But hot water and short showers, well,

They don’t exactly go together, now, do they?)


I truly regret spending another fifteen minutes

Trying to decide what to wear

Then settling for

Some shabby looking gray sweater,

A shirt that wasn’t even in dress code,

And some boring, ill-fitting khakis

(I’m being sincere this time �"

I actually regret looking like such trash).



I apologize for “forcing you”

To keep breakfast ready for me

When you had so many other things to do

(But let’s be honest,

I had enough time to pour my own milk

And toast my own bagel �"

I didn't force you to do anything).


I apologize for testing your patience

In the mornings

And for “taking my time”

But you should know this by now:

Rushing is not my style.


(Oh, and sorry for not being sorry at all.)


© 2013 buddhas-buddha

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This is really very nice. I think you could probably cut the parenthetical at the end, as it seems a little forced and it cheapens the piece a little, but other than that, this is very rough and sharp, which is I think what you were going for. Well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This is really very nice. I think you could probably cut the parenthetical at the end, as it seems a little forced and it cheapens the piece a little, but other than that, this is very rough and sharp, which is I think what you were going for. Well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on March 3, 2013
Last Updated on March 3, 2013



I like to write sometimes, but I have no clue if it's actually any good or not. I enjoy writing blurbs and thoughts and phrases. more..
