Dream so real

Dream so real

A Poem by Budd Black

Had a strange dream last night, cought completely off guard by it. strange what the mind dregs up.


Last night I had a dream about you

a smile not seen in ten years

A voice not heard for just as long

I don't think I have even thought much about you

As we were only coworkers and maybe friends

It seems, in the dream, that we were in love

Not sure why that would be but it was

It wasnt one of those dreams, don't worry

I am pretty sure we didn't even kiss

Our friends and family seemed to be skeptical

Probably as much as I am, upon waking

Anyway, it seemed so real, full of emotion, and

I can't help wondering if you had the same dream

© 2011 Budd Black

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Added on September 20, 2011
Last Updated on September 20, 2011