When I tell of my high school mess,
I simply tell them,
it was catastrophic, at best
The people were mean
some teachers were s****y
but there I did learn
to be smart,
to be witty.
Still I tell them when they ask me the rest
I simply say, it was catastrophic, at best.
Some of my friends they ask of Sedalia
My stories I tell
but still, to describe it like the rest
It was simply, catastrophic, at best.
I tell them of strip clubs, bars and booze
I tell them of caseys, and more about the booze
The family I made, it was better then the rest
even though, no sleep was to be had.
All said and done, I like this the most
Discriptive phrase, catastrophic at best.
Later came the concrete,
The hard work insues
I worked till I went crazy
and so I moved
I made lots of money, and I loved the people
Like I said, catastrophic, at best.
When I moved I moved far,
Florida was my destination
The people were great
I paid no restitution.
I became a criminal, I learned from the rest
But it was simply, Catastropic at best.
So when I die and you lay me to rest
I may or may not go to the place thats the best
When you lay me down to die
On my tombstone you must scribe.
"Catastrophic, at best."