Chapter Three

Chapter Three

A Chapter by btinge

Third chapter of the in-progress novel


"So that's what you meant. How could you do that to such a young girl?" Bruin demanded of Madylen, gesturing towards the small child standing in front of him. "How could you do that to her, just for me?" He continued visibly in anguish over the twist of events.

Madylen looked down at the ground, unable to match the fiery gaze of the man in front of her. Clearing her throat as she prepared to answer for her actions, only to be interrupted by Genevieve's small but powerful voice, "She didn't want to, but I insisted."

"But why? Why would you do that for someone you didn't even know?" Bruin interjected, looking away from Genevieve's cool gaze.

"Because you saved us, and you were willing to sacrifice everything to do that, even though you had no idea who we are," Genevieve countered rather bluntly.

Bruin got down on one knee so that he could be eye level with Genevieve, then lifting her delicate hand in his burly, calloused ones, he whispered to Genevieve as tears welled up in his eyes, "I can never thank you enough for your sacrifice, but know that I am eternally grateful."

"Oh stand up you big oaf, I merely did what anyone else would've done." Genevieve casually brushed off his words, " Now that we've finally gotten through that, I for one think you should tell us your name and how exactly you plan on getting us to Amotheria."

"Oh, I had completely forgotten to ask," Madylen gasped as she realized she knew nothing about the man who had saved them.

Astonished by Genevieve's forwardness, Bruin stood up, wiped the tears from his eyes and began, "Your first question I can answer rather easily, you may call me Bruin. The second one is a little more complicated, as it stands now, we're only a few short weeks from Amotheria, but my supplies won't last that long, and I know of no settlements between here and Amotheria..." Bruin's voice trailed off.

"I might be able to help with that," Madylen chimed in, "I once met a traveler who told me about his home... A small village, nestled in Haromir's Hills, does that ring any bells?" Looking up at Bruin, she waited for his answer.

Pausing for a just a moment to think, Bruin began to nod slowly, " Yes, I have heard of those hills, though I was led to believe that their people had been wiped out ages ago. But if a settlement still stands there... it is probably our best bet of making it safely to Amotheria."

"Excellent, it's decided, we leave immediately," Genevieve said with conviction.

"uhh, maybe not immediately," Bruin petitioned while looking at the rapidly falling sun, "It's much safer to travel during the day, and besides both of you look like you could use a little rest." Turning to Madylen, "Do you know of any safe place for us to make camp for the night?"

"You're right we could use the rest," Madylen agreed while looking at Genevieve with concern in her eyes. After pausing for a moment she offered a solution, "I do know of a safer place, a small cave, just outside the ruins. We can be there before the sun disappears if we leave now." Madylen gestured for the others to follow her as she took off at a determined pace.

The group arrived at the entrance of a small moss covered cave just as the sun dipped below the horizon, leaving only the red sky to illuminate the ancient cavern. "Wait here for just a second," Bruin whispered to them as he entered the cave, drawing his sword. As he entered he suddenly became aware of how the darkness of the cave clung heavily to him causing him to suddenly shudder, "Ignir," flames burst forth from Bruin's hand and landed on the floor, casting a light across the walls of the cave. As the light danced off the walls Bruin finally relaxed, sheathing his weapon, the cave would do. "It's alright, come on inside, it's safe," Bruin beckoned as he emerged from the cave. The girls rushed past Bruin into the safety of their shelter, placing themselves firmly down next to the magical flames. "You two get some rest, I'll take the first watch," Bruin offered as he noticed the weariness on the faces of his new charges.

Eager to get some much-needed rest the girls yawned while offering Bruin their thanks, then sprawling out next to the fire they closed their eyes as the exhaustion took over, Genevieve whispered to Madylen, "I knew I made the right choice when I made you save him," before she drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

Seeing his two charges fast asleep, "Goodnight," Bruin whispered while gently smiling, then he quietly left to the entrance of their shelter. Sitting down, he looked up at the crimson red sky, listening any sounds that might mean danger.

As morning approached, Bruin was joined at his post by  a sleepy-eyed Madylen, "You didn't wake me to switch shifts."

"You both needed the sleep more than I did, besides, I can never sleep much anyway," Bruin reassured the still half asleep girl.

"Thank you," Madylen said as she rubbed her eyes, "The sunrise is so beautiful," she continued while searching the horizon for the first golden beams of the sun. "I've never seen colors so vibrant."

"I'm glad you still find beauty in the sky," Bruin quietly responded, "The colors only ever serve as a reminder of those I've lost since this whole mess started." Madylen gently placed her soft hands on Bruin's arm, providing a small comfort to him.

"Perhaps something good will come from all this," Madylen gently offered to somber man. The two sat together in silence and watched as the golden yellow rays of the sun mixed and melded with the crimson red colors of the sky creating a vast array of colors for all to see.

Yawning Genevieve emerged from the cave, "Good morning, you two lovebirds," she joked when she saw Madylen's hand on Bruin's arm.

Startled Madylen quickly removed her hand from Bruin, jumping up in the process. "It's not what you think, I was just..." her voice trailed off as her cheeks began to blush.

" she was just nudging me awake, I fell asleep out here," Bruin offered saving the embarrassed brunette, Madylen looked towards him, thanking him with her eyes. Bruin stood up, then stretched his arms and back.

"Whatever you say," Genevieve said as she smiled knowingly at the two of them. Genevieve's stomach growled loudly, "I'm starving!" she complained.

Bruin searched in his bag before pulling out a breadlike material, "Here," he tore two chunks off and offered them to his two companions. Hunger overtaking her, Genevieve snatched her share from Bruin's hands and eagerly bit into it. Grunting her approval, Genevieve looked at Madylen, nodding for her to eat even as she took another bite of her share.

"What is it?" Madylen more cautiously took her share, before biting into it. Her eyes lit up with approval for the strange foreign food.

"Long ago, a group of traveling mages realized they needed a more portable food that would sustain them completely. So they got together and figured out how to combine a few ingredients magically, creating Ambrosia, or that's how the story goes. It is said that even just a chunk that big can last you the whole day." Bruin finished as he gestured towards the two servings the girls had, even as they stuffed their faces with what looked like their first meal in ages. "Now that you've both eaten your fill, we should get moving," Bruin said to the girls as they finished eating.

As the group set out, Madylen stopped at the edge of the ruined city, looking back she took in her home for what might be the last time. "Are you coming Madylen?" Genevieve called back to her, not bothering to stop.

"Yes, I just wanted one last look at the place I've spent my entire life," Madylen assured her two companions even as they continued onwards. Taking a deep breath, Madylen turned and followed after them, never looking back.

It was an exhausting eight days of nonstop walking until the group finally came across the first of Haromir's hills. Bruin had long ago resorted to carrying little Genevieve, who despite her demeanor was still just a child, but when they came across the hill's Genevieve perked up, jumping off Bruin's back and ran to the top of the hill. "You have to come up here Madylen, I've never been so high up! It's amazing!" Genevieve shouted down the hill while laughing with pleasure.

Shrugging off her exhaustion, Madylen ran to the hilltop, stopping at the top next to Genevieve, her brown eyes wide with wonder and amazement. She stared at the endless rolling hills, "I never knew anything like this existed."

Bruin finally clamored to the top of the hill joining them, "If you think this is something, wait until you see mountains."

"Mountains?" The girls asked in unison.

"They're hundreds of times as tall as these hills and go up and down the horizon as far as the eye can see," Bruin explained to the two girls.

"I want to see them one day," Madylen stated with wonder in her voice.

"Me too!" Genevieve quickly piped in.

"Well, first we need to find that town, so we can resupply. But, if you both still want to see them after we make it to Amotheria, I'll see what I can do." Bruin assured them.

"Get down!" Bruin shouted jumping onto Madlen and Genvieve, pulling them to the ground. As they fell a boulder flew over their heads, crashing into the neighboring hilltop with an explosion. Quickly scanning the hills for their attacker Bruin saw them, two robed figures, and standing beside them a large flaming golem. "Cultists." Bruin snarled as he looked on, "Listen to me, Genevieve and Madylen stay here, I'll create a barrier for the two of you, while I deal with them."

"Are you sure you can handle them?" Madylen said her voice shaking with concern.

"Of course, It'll be okay I promise." Bruin smiled down at them as he stood up. "Blocken Steld!" A huge wall of rock rose up around Madylen and Genevieve serving as an impenetrable shield from the outside.

Slamming her hand on the wall, Genevieve shouted out, "Stop I can help you with them! Come back!" Genevieve slid down the wall in exasperation.

A large boulder bounced off the erected barrier, satisfied with the defense Bruin looked towards the attackers. "Now for those b******s, Transeria Locather!" Air rushed passed Bruin's ears as he transported himself to the hilltop of his enemies.

"Impressive, I didn't think any mages who could do that still lived," a twisted voice came out from behind the crimson hood of one of the cultists.

The second cultist began to laugh, "Unfortunately for you, in just a few moments there will again be no such living mage." Still cackling the cultist motioned the gargantuan golem forward. It crept forward, shaking the ground beneath it with every step.

"Unfortunately for you, I hate cultists," Bruin spat out as the golem lifted its two fists into the air preparing to crush Bruin. "Illusin, Shine," Bruin's blade burst into white flames, just as the golem began its downward swing, at the last possible moment Bruin swung his hefty blade upward to meet the golem's assault. As blade met stone the earth around them shook and the air was filled with smoke and dust created by the force of the impact.

The cultists looked on triumphantly, eagerly waiting for the dust to settle, all but assured of their easy victory. The dust settled back down clearing the air slowly revealing a standing golem, the pair of cultists laugh maniacally, "That was it? All that talk for that? I'm disappointed."

"So am I," Bruin's voice echoed back, with a thundering sound a crack ran up the middle of the golem, before the golem broke into two, each half hitting the ground with a solid thud then going up in a burst of flames. "It's your turn." the first cultist's eyes bulged out, as he let out a gasp of air, looking down he found himself impaled by Bruin's flaming sword. As Bruin slide the limp body of the now deceased cultist off his blade he turned his attention to his one remaining enemy.

"Im... Impossible!" The second cultist shouted as he turned to run from Bruin's wrath. Bruin caught up to the slow, clumsy man in seconds, then with a quick downward thrust, he cleaved his foe from shoulder to hip.

"That's the problem with you cultists, no actual combat skills, just your summoning," Bruin sighed as he sheathed his blade.

"Revalen!" Bruin shouted as he approached the barrier he had erected. As it crumbled to the ground, a concerned Madylen and Genevieve burst forth.

"Are you okay?" Madylen quickly demanded of Bruin.

"Nothing I can't handle," Bruin winced. Madylen quickly eyed him over for any sign of injury and spotted the source of his pain, his left arm had been severely broken.

"Oh yeah? How'd that happen?" Madylen angrily said pointing to the obvious wound, "Give it here, let me fix it for you."

"No!" Bruin quickly shouted before explaining further, "I don't want any more pain to come just to heal me." Pulling back his arm from his would-be healer.

"Don't worry, this is relatively small, I want to help," madylen pleaded as she reached for his arm. Reluctantly Bruin gave in, giving up his arm to be healed.

"Alright, now that we got that cleared up, how about next time you don't leave us as sitting ducks inside a pile of rocks." Genevieve angrily demanded of Bruin.

"Genevieve!" Madylen protested while she tended to Bruin's wounds.

"What, if something happened to this dingus, we'd have been trapped!" Genevieve countered back, as Bruin winced with the healing of his arm.

"I'm sorry but if I let you out, you'd both be just as likely to be injured, neither of you have combat experience or skills!" Bruin exclaimed defending his actions.

"Then teach us," Genevieve said bluntly.

"What?" Bruin asked astonished, looking towards Madylen for help with a way out.

"Actually... It would be helpful if we could defend ourselves...." Madylen started, "and besides with you teaching us, we'd be combat ready in no time."

"Please?" Genevieve said fluttering her eyelashes.

"Alright, I suppose it couldn't hurt, but first we need to figure out what cultists are doing this far easy of Ymir's wall." Bruin reluctantly agreed knowing he stood no chance in an argument against both girls.

"Cultists?" Madylen asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Cultists are the scum of the earth. Human mages who have forsaken their own people to serve the Dragon as forces of hell, in return for their services they're granted powerful summoning abilities. This allows them to summon any form of monster or demon, limited only by their latent magical abilities. They're the type of people who brought about the start of the apocalypse." Bruin explained visibly disgusted by the thought of the vile humans.

"I don't know why they're here, but I bet I know where we can find out," Genevieve said as she pointed to the north. Looking up Bruin saw it, tents and campfires for as far as the eye could see, it wasn't just a few stray cultists in their way, it was an army.

© 2017 btinge

Author's Note

Concerned if you like the characters and their banter, should I continue with the novel, have you been drawn into the story yet, this is the third and final already written chapter

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I'm rarely drawn into an action scene, personally, and you drew me into yours. I really enjoy this story.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 2, 2017
Last Updated on January 2, 2017
Tags: fantasy, adventure, magic, apocalyptic



Friendswood, TX

Just a college student, working on a fantasy adventure novel. more..

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